Osx 5.x issues with QFileDialog
I recently upgraded to Qt 5.0.2 (also tried 5.1) from 4.8.2 and I am now having an issue with the QFileDialog.
I have a menu item connected to a slot that opens a file dialog using the static QFileDialog::getOpenFileName method, a couple of issues here. The dialog opens but never shows the contents of my folders, if I hit cancel and then resize my window or open a docked control then re-open the dialog I usually get the contents then but not always. The other issue is that if I do get contents and open a file the dialog never closes. I tried using the QFileDialog directly without the static method so that I could call close and deleteLater explicitly but that made no difference.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You might check the "bugreport":bugreports.qt-project.org/issues/ system to see if it's already been reported. If that's not the case, open a new bug with a minimal compilable example that shows the problem (as well as the explanation you gave here to help reproduce the behavior)
Don't forget to post the link to the bug here