Qt5.1 QWidget application on Android 4 - Refresh problems
waiting for the version with Qt5.2, I believe it will take time to leave, but will have a fix for these bugs fools.
And now I know why launched as a preview, not able to stabilize.
I am sad because Qt with innovations in favor of technologies is always the last to get in the race of new platatormas. When this occurs Qt will be better for almost everything
[quote author="Flavio Portela" date="1374195649"]If it helps you, you can use the Qt5.1 QtNecessitas4.8.2 out instead.
[...] [/quote]I've already make some code modification for Qt5 that are no more compatible with Qt4.x, I'll wait for Qt5.2 and hope bugs will be fixed.
Here is mine seems to be the same problem: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-32596
I'm experiencing similar problems and tried compiling Qt5.2.0 alpha to see if they've been fixed. Assuming it's not a mistake on my end, it appears to run the same as Qt5.1.1, with screens not maximizing or refreshing when they should/did with Necessitas and Qt4.8.x. Any updates on the progress of this bug?
I have this refresh problem also. When i open a modal dialog and then hide it, it still appears on top of the other widget but i can click and do things with the other widget which indicates that the modal dialog is really closed. The problem is with samsung device. In the emulator it was working ok I think and the same code is working good in iphone device.
Is there bug report for this exact thing or some workaround? -
I believe this is connected to this bug:
"https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-32596":https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-32596My device does the same thing and I've noticed that if I rotate the screen 90 degrees and back, it refreshes/resizes the screen correctly.
I'm using a RockChip (rk30sdk) device on Android 4.1.1.
[quote author="steno" date="1381190135"]Assuming you mean libraries and not drivers, you can package the libraries in the apk now using qt creator.[/quote]
Sorry, I did mean libraries. Is it possible to package the libraries using Qt4, to avoid this windowing issue with Qt5?
The dilemma I have is that I'd like to package the libraries, which I'm not able to do via Necessitas and Qt4, but the windowing issues of Qt5 prevent me from a production solution.
[quote author="landrew" date="1381244319"]
Is it possible to package the libraries using Qt4, to avoid this windowing issue with Qt5?
[/quote]I am not sure because I have never tried. I know creator 2.8.1 gives the option of how to package the libraries. You can still use minestro, or package them in the apk.