Dijit textbox onfocus
I try to launch my virtual keyboard at onfocus events in the html5 page. I use dijit.Form.Textbox as input method. My code is similar to other posts on this forum, e.g. "QML + Webview + virtual keyboard":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/11237
Evaluating the same javascript code in the Chrome browser works perfectly fine: clicking on the password text box results in a console message 'focus'. However, the evaluating the following Javascript code in QT example results in nothing.
Anybody an idea?
void MyWebView::loadFinished(bool issuccessful)
if (issuccessful) {
QWebElement document = this->page()->mainFrame()->documentElement();
QWebElementCollection elements = document.findAll("input");
foreach (QWebElement element, elements)
QString type = element.attribute("type");
if (type == "password" || type == "text") {
QString name = element.attribute("id");
QString script = "var elems = document.getElementById("" + name + ""); elems.onfocus = function() { console.log("focus"); };";