Libcurl inside Qt: can't find external symbol
I have downloaded qt for my 64bit windows 8 machine and I am trying to use the curl library in my project. Please note that curl is a required and can't be avoided.
So, I have downloaded a zip file from the website and in my .pro files I have added the following lines:
INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Users/User/Documents/QTProjects/next/include"
win32:LIBS += -L"C:/Users/User/Documents/QTProjects/next/lib" -lcurllibWhere ../next/lib contains:
- curllib.lib
- curllib_static.lib
- curllib.dll
In my main function:
#define CURL_STATICLIB //not needed since defined in .pro
#include <curl/curl.h>
CURL *curl;
CURLcode res;
curl = curl_easy_init();@When I try to build and compile the project I come across this error:
LNK2019: unresolved external symbol curl_easy_init referenced in function...
Any ideas what is going wrong with this? I managed to get it to work with visual studio 2012 but Qt doesn't seem to like it.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You might have better chance to get an answer on the curl mailing list/forums.
Anyway, shouldn't it be:
@LIBS += -lcurl@
Sorry, I have misread the name of your libraries, it seems that you indeed need to have curllib in your pro file.
Since you are doing a static build (guessing that from your define) shouldn't you link to curllib_static ?
@LIBS += -lcurllib_static@