Gesture hardware for Windows 7/Linux
I am currently developing a QML application that will be first targeted for the desktop. After the initial release, the app will be targeting tablets. Sooner rather than later I would like to get an input device that will receive gestures, as to build in these features from the beginning.
What are the hardware options for getting gesture input for Windows 7 and Linux?
I am not sure about it's Windows or Linux support and how you would feel about it, but I think getting an "Apple Magic Trackpad": for receiving gestures input is a good idea and cheaper than getting a multi touch monitor.
I tried using the Magic Trackpad on Windows 7 and it only gives you the basic mouse functionality, no gestures :( I would purchase a iMac mini, but being mostly a Windows developer, developing the desktop for Windows originally and under a bit of a crunch, I am hoping to find some hardware that works with Windows 7. I included Linux in the title because I am assuming if the hardware works on Linux it will on Windows.
I see and in the meantime I was reading about Magic Trackpad and Windows support, which is not that good :(
While navigating through Google though, I found this one ("Bamboo Touch": which might be interesting to you and might solve your problem, on which they are saying (I quote):
bq. Bamboo Touch lets you add Multi-Touch input to any computer.