QtCreator cant find includes
I have installed QtCreator and made an embedded version of Qt for
the beaglebone.My system specs:
Linux Ubuntu 32bit
qt embedded 4.8
qtcreator 2.7.0The QtCreator cant find the includes, but the build works.
This is how the editor looks like:
!http://i44.tinypic.com/33kg2tz.jpg(QtCreator)!Is there a special folder/place I have to copy the includes or a
environmental variable I have to set?? -
this is my .pro file:
created by QtCreator 2013-05-26T18:04:01#-------------------------------------------------
QT += core
QT -= gui
TARGET = test
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundleTEMPLATE = app
target.path = /home/test
INSTALLS += targetSOURCES += main.cpp
@ -
The core module (as well as the gui module) are included by default. The green underline in QtCreator aside, can you include list of Issues or compilation errors/warnings?
- try to add INCLUDEPATH to the .pro file
- try to remove sysroot from project settings
Do you have a Qt version set up in your desktop kit (Tools>Options>Build & Run>Kits)? If not: Is there a Qt version defined in the Qt version tab next to the kits tab?