anybody can help me how to add GSM network status monitoring/messaging program,
or an example for such aprogram,
or xplain how to do such a program in "Symbian" mobile -
Can you also enlighten us about the protocol you are using or thinking which protocol to use for getting the data?
I believe naveennadhv tries to somehow monitor the GSM/3G network (eg. Radio Network or RAN, as we call it in telco), like cell id, signal strength, etc.
The closest examples I have found is both related to Qt Mobility: "Bearer Monitor":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.1.0/bearermonitor.html and "System Information App":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.1.0/sysinfo.html
Or is it something like monitoring if you are in Home Network or roaming.
ya just like "System Information App" for noka hand set
You can explore the Qt Mobility API, if it doesn't provide all the required API you are looking for. You can always use Symbian API for getting such info.