QStackedWidgets problems
Iam trying to :
1) create a horizantal layout in display (basically a QWidget)
2) add stackedwidget to this Hlayout
3) the stackedwidget contains imagesWidget and loadWidget
4) the imagesWidget is further divided into gridlayout which contains some iconsso on the stackedwidget i have a plain widget and a widget withe gridlayout
now , when i click on any icon of the gridlayout it should open loadwidget and on to that
my application should be visible(here i am just playing with colors instead of applications)
for this purpose i again divide grid layout into Horizantal layout and adding the apps widget.i face two problems here:
my gridlayout icons on imagesWidget are coming properly but when i select them i can see
under those icons same icons are present( i dont understand how i got duplicate) -
when i close my application i am following the steps mentioned in exitapp code:
but my background of the loadWidget is still retianed but with icons from imageWidget
unfortunately i cannot paste the connect calls because the loading is not handled by connect
but some external events from some other module.below is list of steps i am following.
@controlsLayout=new QHBoxLayout(); display->setLayout(controlsLayout); imagesWidget = new QWidget; loadWidget = new QWidget; QGridLayout *imagesLayout=new QGridLayout(); controlsLayout=new QHBoxLayout(); display->setLayout(controlsLayout); imagesWidget = new QWidget; loadWidget = new QWidget; imagesWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Preferred); imagesWidget->setLayout(imagesLayout);// setting a grid layout for imagesWidget imgstack = new QStackedWidget; // new stacked widget for imagesWidget and loadwidget imgstack->addWidget(imagesWidget); imgstack->addWidget(loadWidget); qDebug("imgstack cnt = %d",imgstack->count()); controlsLayout->addWidget(imgstack); // stacked widget to horizantal layout of of display appstack = new QStackedWidget; // new stacked widget for applications const char *colors[]={"background-color: white", "background-color: black", "background-color: blue", "background-color: green", "background-color: yellow", "background-color: red", "background-color: pink", "background-color: cyan", "background-color: white" }; // unique colors are given for each widget to identify for(int apno = 0;apno < 9;apno ++){ appwidgs[apno] = new QWidget; appwidgs[apno]->setStyleSheet(colors[apno]); appstack->addWidget(appwidgs[apno]); }
upon click on any of the image the following will be performed.
//loadWidget->setStyleSheet("background-color: blue");
loadapp code:
@ QHBoxLayout *hl = new QHBoxLayout;
hl->addWidget(appstack,0,0);qDebug("curr_apps =%d",appstack->currentIndex()); appstack->setCurrentIndex(currpos);
exitapp code:
@ appstack->removeWidget(appwidgs[currpos]);
@ -
Why did you call the following two lines twice:
@controlsLayout=new QHBoxLayout();
display->setLayout(controlsLayout);@Please clean up your code try to keep releated things together.
How about Top-Down design.Start with the most top layout.
Create all widgets releated to this layout.
Add those widget to this layout.You can do it bottom up as well.
@controlsLayout=new QHBoxLayout(); // top layout
imgstack = new QStackedWidget; // new stacked widget for imagesWidget and loadwidget
loadWidget = new QWidget;
imagesWidget = new QWidget;
QGridLayout *imagesLayout=new QGridLayout();imagesWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Preferred);
imagesWidget->setLayout(imagesLayout);// setting a grid layout for imagesWidgetimgstack->addWidget(imagesWidget);
qDebug("imgstack cnt = %d",imgstack->count());appstack = new QStackedWidget; // new stacked widget for applications
//The rest of your code...controlsLayout->addWidget(imgstack); // stacked widget to horizantal layout of of
- Question:
Which is the second widget in the QHBoxLayout?
appStack? -
[quote author="messi" date="1364890538"]
Why did you call the following two lines twice:@controlsLayout=new QHBoxLayout();
i apologies for my oversight , i mistakenly copied the second time.
Please clean up your code try to keep releated things together.
How about Top-Down design.Start with the most top layout.
Create all widgets releated to this layout.
Add those widget to this layout.You can do it bottom up as well.
[quote author="messi" date="1364890538"]
- Question:
Which is the second widget in the QHBoxLayout?
appStack? [/quote]*loadWidget*
I have cleaned up and modified the code a bit but still have two problems:
whenever i navigate through the buttons i can see the duplicate buttons under buttons(two copies)prob2:
previous widgets color is retaining when i exit the app[CODE]
QHBoxLayout controlsLayout=new QHBoxLayout(); display->setLayout(controlsLayout); imgstack = new QStackedWidget; imagesWidget = new QWidget; imgstack->addWidget(imagesWidget); QGridLayout *imagesLayout=new QGridLayout(); imagesWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Preferred); no_of_icons =9; RowCount=no_of_icons/COL + (temp =(no_of_icons%COL?1:0)); temp=0; for( i=0;i<RowCount;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { Buttons[temp]=new QPushButton(); QPixmap pixmap(":/images/img.jpeg"); QIcon ButtonIcon(pixmap); Buttons[temp]->setIcon(ButtonIcon); Buttons[temp]->setIconSize(pixmap.rect().size()); Buttons[temp]->setMinimumWidth(80); Buttons[temp]->setMinimumHeight(80); Buttons[temp]->setMaximumWidth(80); Buttons[temp]->setMaximumHeight(80); QLabel *label = new QLabel("Button",Buttons[temp],0); label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignVCenter); label->show(); imagesLayout->addWidget(Buttons[temp],i,j); temp++; if(imagesLayout->count() ==no_of_icons) break; } } currpos=0; if(no_of_icons>0) { QPixmap pixmap(":/images/image.jpeg"); QIcon ButtonIcon(pixmap); Buttons[currpos]->setIcon(ButtonIcon); Buttons[currpos]->setIconSize(pixmap.rect().size()); Buttons[currpos]->setMinimumWidth(68+10); Buttons[currpos]->setMinimumHeight(60+10); Buttons[currpos]->setMaximumWidth(68+10); Buttons[currpos]->setMaximumHeight(68+10); } imagesWidget->setLayout(imagesLayout); qDebug("imgstack cnt = %d",imgstack->count()); const char *colors[]={"background-color: cyan", "background-color: grey", "background-color: blue", "background-color: green", "background-color: yellow", "background-color: red", "background-color: pink", "background-color: white", "background-color: orange" }; for(int apno = 0;apno < 9;apno ++){ appwidgs[apno] = new QWidget; appwidgs[apno]->setStyleSheet(colors[apno]); imgstack->addWidget(appwidgs[apno]); } controlsLayout->addWidget(imgstack); qDebug("imgstack_count = %d",imgstack->count());
currpos = 0 ; // will be incremented based on no of left and right arrows
in loadapp()
imgstack->setCurrentIndex(currpos+1); //loads the widget lets say i select index 3(widget:blue)
printf("load:curridx =%d",imgstack->currentIndex());
in exitapp() // will be invoked when i press exit button
imgstack->setCurrentIndex(0); // widget at index is loaded,but still the blue color can be seen.
printf("exit:curridx =%d",imgstack->currentIndex());[/CODE]
out put: (when i load the 0th app that is placed at index 1.)
imgstack cnt = 1
imgstack_count = 10load :currindx=1
exit:curridx =0 -
If I read you code correctly you are setting the icon twice, resizing it twice and also resizing the buttons twice.
Could it be that what you see is some "leftover" of the first icon ?
[quote author="Juergen_M" date="1364897742"]@ no_of_icons =9;
RowCount=no_of_icons/COL + (temp =(no_of_icons%COL?1:0)); temp=0; for( i=0;i<RowCount;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++)@
Very strange code.
no_of_icons is const
COL is const
In that case you can set RowCount also to const.
Can you explain that?[/quote]The code is actually messed up , because it was implemented by 2-3 people, I have actually modified the code by deleting repeated portions. I will post it soon..
[quote author="SGaist" date="1364897797"]
If I read you code correctly you are setting the icon twice, resizing it twice and also resizing the buttons twice.Could it be that what you see is some "leftover" of the first icon ?
[/quote]I suspect so , but i have observed the same problem(duplicate images) in one scenario from a friend.
Suppose say i have some widget which is one of the widgets of some other laidout widgets.
now i am trying to place a new widget on this laid out widget(by creating some layout or widget =new QWidget(basewidget)) and create some buttons place them in a Grid or Hlayout then i can see some duplicate images.in my case display was the base widget, and i was trying to place a new widget which is a stackedwidget imgstack by creating display->setLayout(controlsLayout); ( this might be the problem)
add new widgets to stackedwidget
one of these new widgets is agian having a grid layout( imagesWidget ).(this might also be a problem)if any one could help me it would a great .... :)