Lower case filenames
I'd like to reopen this thread. I had used camelCase when naming my files. Now that I see it's not such a good idea, I'd like to change to all lowercase while I still have just a handful of files.
Unfortunately, Creator seems to be getting confused. I changed one filename, but both the old and new versions of the file seem to "exist" now. For example, if I go into a different file, select a class name, and do the "Find Usages" command, both versions of the filename show up.
I've copied the file to another location, deleted it through Qt (including deleting the file permanently), quit and re-started Creator, and re-added the file, and this still happens. Is this a bug, or am I leaving out a step?
And...what's the recommended way to fix all of my filenames within Creator?
Check your .pro file. Maybe there are duplicates. Also double-check for duplicates in your FS (if you have case-sensitive FS).
Andre: Nope. The .pro.user file does not contain any information on which files make up the project.
Andre: That works for me... Please file a bug report if you run into this again.
Here's what I did:
- closed the project
- quit Creator
- deleted the .user file, and the shadow build directory
- started Creator
- opened the project
- Clean All
- Run Qmake (from the menu)
- opened a particular .h file
- right-clicked on a class name
- selected Find Usages
...and I am still getting the duplicate file name in the search results.
An additional data point: I edited the file in question (the one whose name agrees with that in my file system) and inserted a few blank lines before the reference to the class. I re-ran the find usages, and the line number in BOTH files found by the search changed.
Done, but no response yet.
"link to report":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-4734