Lower case filenames
Andre: Nope. The .pro.user file does not contain any information on which files make up the project.
Andre: That works for me... Please file a bug report if you run into this again.
Here's what I did:
- closed the project
- quit Creator
- deleted the .user file, and the shadow build directory
- started Creator
- opened the project
- Clean All
- Run Qmake (from the menu)
- opened a particular .h file
- right-clicked on a class name
- selected Find Usages
...and I am still getting the duplicate file name in the search results.
An additional data point: I edited the file in question (the one whose name agrees with that in my file system) and inserted a few blank lines before the reference to the class. I re-ran the find usages, and the line number in BOTH files found by the search changed.
Done, but no response yet.
"link to report":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-4734