Qt Cross Compiling for target ARM
Hi all,
i'd like to cross compile for target ARM from a Windows OS and i wanna know if anyone had some good "starting guide" to follow..Also i would like to know if there is a particular Qt Version to use for this target. My objective is to compile Qt 4.7.3, but it's not a problem change the Qt version to reach this goal.
Thank you very much for any suggestions!
This "link ":http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Building_Qt will give you a general overview of the procedure
Basically, You get the toolchain for your target arch in your case ARM, modify the qmake.conf in your qt sources to point at that toolchain and that's it.
In case you are building for Windows CE, check "this":http://doc.qt.digia.com/stable/install-wince.html page here.
Hi Ghaith,
thank's for your considerations!I gave a look at the guide Building Qt (the link isn't correct, "this":http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Building_Qt is the correct one) and i fount it useful.
Only one question: this procedure it's the same for both host platform Linux and Windows?Because what i want to do it's to compile for a Linux ARM's target form a Windows's host platform.
Thanks for correcting the link there!
Well I honestly don't use windows and It would be less painful to set up a linux host but I guess that cygwin + a cross-compiler would do the job.Here I found some idea on "this thread":http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4058 (using cygwin + crosstool-ng) you can use Yagarto too
Hi Ghaith,
i tried to follow some guides on the net (also that one that you suggest) but i couldn't get any good results.Now i'm using a Linux virtual machine to get the job, but i couldn't believe that what i want to do it's so painful..