:-1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options.
[quote author="changedsoul" date="1358481491"]Correct me if I am wrong, but should not this Qt designer install a compiler that works with itself? And of not, should it not prompt the user there is not one installed and give a link to download, or maybe have Qt installer get it itself and install it?[/quote]Qt supports many different compilers (MSVC, GCC, Clang, Intel C++ Compiler, and maybe others) so you can choose your compiler and integrate it with Qt Creator. You just need to make sure that your Qt Library was built using that compiler. Like utcenter said, the current Qt 5.0.0 package is for MSVC 2010; soon, Qt 5.0.1 packages will be released for MSVC 2010, MSVC 2012, and MinGW 4.7
There are 2 problems with providing a compiler:
- It is illegal for us to provide MSVC or the Intel C++ Compiler
- We used to provide MinGW (GCC for Windows), but people complained that:
** They already have a compiler, and didn't want to download a package that includes a compiler
** The flavour of MinGW that we provided was not the one they wanted
Anyway, Qt is a library. Libraries don't usually provide compilers (for example, GTK+, wxWidgets, and SDL don't provide compilers either)
[quote author="changedsoul" date="1358552730"]Thank you for clarifying that this version doesnt come with a compiler. I will wait till one comes out that has one available. [/quote]You might have to wait a long time for an official package. However, alexpux made an unofficial build here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingwbuilds/files/external-binary-packages/Qt-Builds/Qt-5.0.1-x32.7z/download
I have the same problem.
:-1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options.!
http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/04qv9b5fr4uz.jpgI try to solve it already for one week.
Your compiler is MinGW... but you installed the Visual Studio version of Qt.
You can choose one of these:
- Download "Qt 5.0.2 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.7, 650 MB)": http://qt-project.org/downloads , OR
- Download Visual Studio 2012: http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/eng/downloads
Download Qt 5.0.2 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.7, 650 MB)”: http://qt-project.org/downloads
thanks for the quick answer.
However, I have win7-64bit. -
You're welcome :)
[quote author="BoomC" date="1368789344"]However, I have win7-64bit.[/quote]It doesn't matter. You can create and run 32-bit applications in 64-bit Windows.
But anyway, I gave you two different options. If you don't want the 32-bit MinGW, you can download the 64-bit "Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop": http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/eng/downloads
Now, you need to tell your project to use to correct kit.
Click "Projects" (left side of Qt Creator)
Click "Add Kit" (top-left corner of Qt Creator)
Select your 32-bit MinGW kit
Click the computer icon that says "Debug" (bottom-left corner of Qt Creator)
Select your 32-bit MinGW kit
Compile your program :)
Also, you should uninstall the MSVC2012 version of Qt.
:-1: error: [copydeploymentfolders] Error 1
Hmm... I haven't seen that message before. Can you post everything in "Compile Output"?
Also, try this:
Close Qt Creator
Uninstall the MSVC2012 version of Qt
Delete C:\Qt\DATA\1st\1st.pro.user
Re-open your project
Compile again
This time i run step by step the first Tutorial.
Same error. -
Please post the error message from the "4. Compile Output" window.
I solve it.
Just add to make the -no-copy argument.
http://s14.directupload.net/images/130521/umyjorzw.jpgThanks 4 your help.
It certainly was not the last time that I need help. -
You're welcome :) Just post a new question in the forum if you want more help. Have fun with using Qt!
I have QT 5.2.0 MSVC2012 openGL 64bit and when I try to build a project it gives an error: ":-1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options." In compilers section I have: microsoft visual c++ compiler 12.0(x86), microsoft visual c++ compiler 12.0(amd64), microsoft visual c++ compiler 12.0(arm) and minGwW(x86 32bit). How can I risolve it?
Visual C++ 12.0 is from MSVC 2013.
You need to install MSVC 2012 (Visual C++ 11.0).