QMobiltiy Api is not present in QT 4.7
I downloaded and install QT SDK which supports Qmobilty. But when I am trying to run any bluetooth demos like "Bluettooth Chat" then at the compile time it is giving error that "qbluetoothsocket.h" is not present. no such file or directory.
Is that mean QMobiltiy hasn't install with QTSDK. It it is like that then how can I install QMobility.
Dheeraj -
I am using Ubuntu 10.04. But now I have install QMobility sapratly, after that QMobiltiy has install but still is not looking stable. Many of places I found segmentation fault.
Many examples is working perfectly but most of the bluetooth examples is creating problem, like Bluetooth Chat, Bluetooth Ping Pong game (These two I checked many times).
Shall I wait for the next release of QMobilty.