Full screen on Android ???
do as follows:
namespace sysvar
const Qt::WindowModality WindowsFormShow =Qt::ApplicationModal;
const Qt::WindowType WindowsFormStyle=Qt::FramelessWindowHint;
const Qt::WindowStates WindowsFormState=
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
#ifdef Q_OS_WINCE
}form->setWindowFlags( sysvar::WindowsFormStyle );
form->setWindowState( form->windowState()|sysvar::WindowsFormState);
Works only alpha4 or higher[Edit: Added @ tags around code -- mlong]
Use forum qt-android
For WinCE worked.
To Android_alpha3 worked occasionally with mistakes.
So I did not use the feature Alpha3.
I do not know if this alpha4_1 working, but I saw that the ticket had to correct fix.Here you will find information about all the bugs and how this Qtnecessitas the correction process:
I forced to bring this thread to the life :\
I face same problem with all dialog types under Android 4.x and Qt 5.1.x as mentioned "in my thread":https://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/32025/; So may you please help me out to find a solution.
BTW, I mentioned in my thread that this issue disappear in case hiding to the tray then showing the application.
In Qt4.8.x fullScreen not work well.
In Qt5.1.X fullScreen not work. -
I'm always watching and trying to recompile the SDK to verify changes.
If I have success with this, I warn you here in this topic.
I filed a bug report in this link: QTBUG-33294
[edit: updated bug report link SGaist]