Error: PKG file does not exist, 'sis' and 'installer_sis' target are only supported for executables or projects with DEPLOYMENT statement
I was trying to run the 'spectrum' demo available under 'C:\NokiaQtSDK\Demos\4.6\spectrum'. However, I get this error when I try to build:Makefile:138: error: PKG file does not exist, 'sis' and 'installer_sis' target are only supported for executables or projects with DEPLOYMENT statement. Stop.
What could I be doing wrong? Please note that instead of building the demo from the above path, I copied the complete 'spectrum' folder to C:\NokiaQtSDKProjects\spectrum path.
Looks like the demo you are trying to build does not support symbian.
You will need to add that support. The most straight forward way is probably to set up a symbian project using Qt Creator's mobile application wizard and then copying all the symbian specific lines from the generated .pro-file over into the demo's .pro-file.
This will most likely need some additional tweaking (filenames, etc. are bound to be different), but it should at least provide you with a guideline to follow.
PS: Patches are welcome:-)
There are multiple .pro files in this folder. In all of them, I was able to see the word 'symbian'. For example, in the main .pro file, the following lines were present:
@symbian {
# Create a 'make sis' rule which can be run from the top-levelinclude($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/demos/symbianpkgrules.pri) # UID for the SIS file TARGET.UID3 = 0xA000E402
I am not sure what this means since I am totally new to Qt itself. I haven't tried editing the files as you suggested because of this.
Also, a Google search took me to this "blog": where somebody reported the same error. However, it seem to have got resolved automatically for him!
I think it already has the UID entry. I am posting the contents of the .pro files (there are 2 .pro files in this) below:
- Contents of spectrum. pro
TEMPLATE = subdirs
Ensure that library is built before application
CONFIG += ordered
SUBDIRS += 3rdparty/fftreal
}SUBDIRS += app
TARGET = spectrum
symbian {
# Create a 'make sis' rule which can be run from the top-levelinclude($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/demos/symbianpkgrules.pri) # UID for the SIS file TARGET.UID3 = 0xA000E402
sources.files = README.txt spectrum.pri TODO.txt
sources.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DEMOS]/spectrum
INSTALLS += sources
@- Contents of
static: error(This application cannot be statically linked to the fftreal library)
TARGET = spectrum
QT += multimedia
SOURCES += main.cpp \
HEADERS += engine.h \
fftreal_dir = ../3rdparty/fftreal
INCLUDEPATH += $${fftreal_dir}
RESOURCES = spectrum.qrc
symbian {
# Platform security capability required to record audio on Symbian
TARGET.CAPABILITY = UserEnvironment# Provide unique ID for the generated binary, required by Symbian OS TARGET.UID3 = 0xA000E402
Dynamic linkage against FFTReal DLL
symbian {
# Must explicitly add the .dll suffix to ensure dynamic linkage
LIBS += -lfftreal.dll
QMAKE_LIBDIR += $${fftreal_dir}
} else {
macx {
# Link to fftreal framework
LIBS += -F$${fftreal_dir}
LIBS += -framework fftreal
} else {
LIBS += -L..
LIBS += -lfftreal
sources.files = $$SOURCES $$HEADERS $$RESOURCES
sources.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DEMOS]/spectrum/app
images.files += images/record.png images/settings.png
images.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DEMOS]/spectrum/app/images
INSTALLS += sources imagesDeployment
symbian {
include($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/demos/symbianpkgrules.pri)!contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_FFT) { # Include FFTReal DLL in the SIS file fftreal.sources = ../fftreal.dll fftreal.path = !:/sys/bin DEPLOYMENT += fftreal }
} else {
macx {
# Specify directory in which to create bundle
DESTDIR = ..!contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_FFT) { # Relocate fftreal.framework into bundle framework_dir = ../ framework_name = fftreal.framework/Versions/1/fftreal QMAKE_POST_LINK = \ mkdir -p $${framework_dir} &&\ rm -rf $${framework_dir}/fftreal.framework &&\ cp -R $${fftreal_dir}/fftreal.framework $${framework_dir} &&\ install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/$${framework_name} \ $${framework_dir}/$${framework_name} &&\ install_name_tool -change $${framework_name} \ @executable_path/../Frameworks/$${framework_name} \ ../ } } else { # Specify directory in which to create spectrum application DESTDIR = .. unix: { # Provide relative path from application to fftreal library QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--rpath=\\\$\$ORIGIN } }
@ -
It's only a FFA for tamhanna. He's just spamming. He had to write a short sentence to pretend he shouldn't be banned.
I think the problem is due to you relocating the source dir. Does it work when you compile it in its original location?
The PRO file refers to a lot of relative dirs that are now dead ends. See the ones with "../" in them?
[quote author="tamhanna" date="1291484811"]Could you also show us the pri files?[/quote]
include($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/demos/symbianpkgrules.pri)Comes with your SDK.
Comes with the app, which is also in your SDK.
[quote author="tamhanna" date="1291484811"]MHO, dead path errors are shown as such.[/quote]
Not in my experience :( -
These are the contents of the .pri files:
- spectrum.pri
@# The following macros allow certain features and debugging output
to be disabled / enabled at compile time.
Debug output from spectrum calculation
Debug output from waveform generation
Debug output from engine
Dump input data to spectrum analyer, plus artefact data files
Dump captured audio data
Disable calculation of level
Disable calculation of frequency spectrum
If this macro is defined, the FFTReal DLL will not be built
Disables rendering of the waveform
If defined, superimpose the progress bar on the waveform
Perform spectrum analysis calculation in a separate thread
Suppress warnings about strncpy potentially being unsafe, emitted by MSVC
- symbianpkgrules.pri
@!symbian: error(Only include this file for Symbian platforms)
RSS_RULES ="group_name="QtDemos";"
vendorinfo =
"; Localised Vendor name"
"%{"Nokia, Qt"}"
" "
"; Unique Vendor name"
":"Nokia, Qt""
" "demos_deployment.pkg_prerules += vendorinfo
DEPLOYMENT += demos_deploymentisEmpty(ICON):ICON = $$QT_SOURCE_TREE/src/s60installs/qt.svg
@I tired to run the project directly from its original path. Even then, it gave me the error. Please note that it runs properly with Qt Simulator irrespective of the path.
Problem solved by using Qt 4.7.1 for Symbian.
The following posts helped me in finding the reason and for setting up Qt 4.7.1: