Using device camera without Qt Mobility
The camera API is available at "Qt Mobility 1.2.2 documentation": But if you insist on not using it as an alternative you combine "Symbian C++ camera API": with Qt.
Did you run qmake after changing the pro file? What error did you get?
If you use Qt Mobility 1.2.2 you should use the following approach to "capture a still image":
camera = new QCamera;
viewFinder = new QCameraViewfinder();
viewFinder->show();camera->setViewfinder(viewFinder); imageCapture = new QCameraImageCapture(camera); camera->setCaptureMode(QCamera::CaptureStillImage); camera->start(); //on half pressed shutter button camera->searchAndLock(); ... //on shutter button pressed imageCapture->capture(); //on shutter button released camera->unlock();