Getting multiple errors just by starting a project for Qt.
Hey all,
I have just started trying to use Qt for game development, as I want more minute control over the details of the game and other things of the such.As i started up the project, I got this error
command-line error: specified directory via --current_directory option isn't a directory: /AutoPCHD:\Projects\CPP\RootEngine\.vs\RootEngine\v17\ipch\AutoPCH\fa03e72376d247fc
And also getting this error:
ERROR running qmake: "C:/Qt/6.8.2/mingw_64/bin/qmake" -tp vc -early "CONFIG -= debug release debug_and_release" "CONFIG += debug warn_off"
The first error is permanently in the bottom bar, and the second error makes the build process stop every time so I can't continue without clearing the error. The only thing that I have seen is telling me to make sure that Qt and VSCode are up to date, both of which are both on the latest version.
@Swyftl said in Getting multiple errors just by starting a project for Qt.:
ERROR running qmake: "C:/Qt/6.8.2/mingw_64/bin/qmak
Please post the actual error
@Swyftl said in Getting multiple errors just by starting a project for Qt.:
"C:/Qt/6.8.2/mingw_64/bin/qmake" -tp vc
Why do you want to create a visual studio solution when you are using mingw? This does not match.