windeployqt and VectorImage
Hi! I have an issue deploying the QML application.
I have a file where I use VectorImage to display svg icon.
Firstly, after addingimport QtQuick.VectorImage
I get a warning "QQuickitem was not found".
The application builds, and runs fine though.Then I deploy
"C:\Qt\6.8.1\mingw_64\bin\windeployqt.exe" --qmldir "C:/Qt/6.8.1/mingw_64/qml" myapp.exeAfter that I can't run the executable from the deployment folder. I noticed that myDeployemntFolder\qml\QtQuick\VectorImage directory is empty. I can copy the contents of that folder from qmldir manually, but then I will get problems when creating installer, because the installed application will give me error "Cannot load library myInstallationFolder\qml\QtQuick\VectorImage\qquickvectorimageplugin.dll: The specified module could not be found"
When I try to deploy Qt's vectorimage example, i get the same issue after deployment: the VectorImage folder is empty.
Any help is appreciated.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
shall point to the qml sources of your application in order to know what to deploy. -
@SGaist Thank you. I did as you said first for some time ago, when I tried msvc kit, and it didn't work, so I searched and found this confusing topic ( ) and tried pointing to Qt's qmldir.
Then I switched to mingw but continued pointing to Qt's qmldir.
Anyway, your answer worked with mingw kit, and msvc turned to be impossible to run even from release folder before the deployment, but that's another story. Thank you very much! -