Conditional include of different .pri files
I'm trying to include different .pri files based on CONFIG containing different values.
CONFIG(opt1) { include(path/to/opt1.pri) } CONFIG(opt2) { include(path/to/opt2.pri) }
I have confirmed that CONFIG only contains one of the values. Still Qt Creator shows both .pri files in the project tree.
Searching the forum, I found this topic with a very similar problem. There SGaist replied:"How do you know it's always included ?
If it's because Qt Creator shows the file, then it's unrelated to it's inclusion or not in your .pro file."I could confirm that indeed only one of the .pri files is actually included, but both are shown in the project tree.
This seems a little unintuitive to me. Should the inactive include not at least be grayed out, as is done with inactive source/header files? -
C Christian Ehrlicher moved this topic from General and Desktop
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You might want to make a feature request for that suggestion.