Using poppler-qt6 for qt project on macOS
I want to add to my application pdf viewer. I found information that poppler should be good for this. So I decided to use it.
I use homebrew to install poppler and qt:
brew install poppler
brew install qt
Next I added to my project CMakeList.txt lines:
find_package(Poppler REQUIRED) find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Widgets REQUIRED) add_executable(myapp main.cpp) target_link_libraries(myapp PRIVATE Poppler::Qt6 Qt6::Widgets)
Where my app is name of my project
And I got an error:
What should I do to solve this problem? I try to add path to poppler installation but not result:
Any tips?
Have a good day
One possible way: use KDE's ecm package that provides a CMake find module for Poppler.
It has nothing to do with Qt Creator, you are using CMake to manage your project.
Since you are already using brew, did you install the
extra-cmake-modules formula ? -
@BushyAxis793 can you try
export Poppler_Dir=installdir/cmakeThe installed poppler has a cmake dir.
Then it's a good first step so you will get these extra find modules for cmake which contains one for poppler.
Otherwise, use CMake's find_library and find_path functions.