Emoji not rendered on Android 15
In Android 15, all emoji have become invisible, only national flag emoji still show. On older Android version my QML app works fine.
I download the Google Noto Color Emoji font using this:
https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/android-emojis.htmlI think the issue is caused by this change in Android 15:
https://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/behavior-changes-all#png-emoji-fontThe PNG emoji are removed, except for the national flags.
I can get it to work again if I bundle the windows compatible ttf file with my app and add this in my QML:
FontLoader { source: "qrc:/fonts/NotoColorEmoji_WindowsCompatible.ttf" }
It does not work if I bundle the font using C++ code like this:
Looks suspicious to me that this does not work, as it works for other font files.
I do not like to bundle this large font file with my app.
Is this a bug in Qt?
Is Android 15 emoji font rendering not supported yet?Any help would be much appreciated.
Opened https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-132481 for this issue
Partially fixed in Qt6.8.2
Emoji are rendered fine now. However rendering of country flags is now broken. Flags are rendered in a very tiny format. -
Seems the flag issue was caused by a Magisk module replacing sytem emoji by iOS emoji. Without that module flags are fine.