QtCreator 15: CMake Folder property
Hello Everyone,
the release notes of QtCreator 15 state:
"We added support for the FOLDER property of targets that can be used to change the display in the Projects view."
Has anybody a small example of a CMakeLists.txt file that makes use of the new CMake Folder property?
Maybe having one build target and several source files separated into Folders that are reflected in QtCreator projects view?As far as I see, this is faily new and I didn't find any examples online.
Stefan -
@jsulm Thanks!
I think I just got this feature wrong. As far as I understand now, this is used if you have multiple build targets where each of the targets is organized in it's own folder.
I usually have only one build target (e.g. "Compile these 10 source .cpp/.h files into one exectuable") and I want to structure my source-files into IDE-folders. This is being done using CMAKE source_group and works in Qt Creator.