qtquick module not recognized
im using a raspberry pi 3 card with recent rasbian instalation(64 bits) ,i installed qt6 using these commands
"sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install libgles2-mes-dev mesa-common-dev
sudo apt install qt6-base-dev qt6-tools-dev
sudo apt install qtcreator".
when i tested qtwidget project it didnt compile,then changed the compiler from clang to gcc and qtwidget project compiled, after that i created a new qtquick project and this
time it didnt work and the application output showed the error "qqmlapplicationengine failed to load componenets"
i tried to use command "apt install qt6-quick-devqt6-quickcontrols2-dev" and it showed this error "unable to locate package qt6-quick-dev/qt6-quickcontrols2-dev".
i used this command "apt search qt6" to search all the installed libraries of qt6,and found these related to qtquick "libqt6quickcontrols2-6/libqt6quick6/libqt6quick3d6".
any solution please -
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