QRHI Compute Shader
Game Development
I managed to run a compute shader too. Here some code for testing!
#version 450 layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer InputBuffer { float inputData[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 1) buffer OutputBuffer { float outputData[]; }; void main() { uint globalIdX = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; uint globalIdY = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y; uint globalIdZ = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z; uint width = gl_WorkGroupSize.x; // Width of the work group uint height = gl_WorkGroupSize.y; // Height of the work group uint depth = gl_WorkGroupSize.y; // Height of the work group uint globalIdx = globalIdZ * width * height + globalIdY * width + globalIdX; // 1D index //uint localIndexX = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; //uint localIndexY = gl_LocalInvocationID.y; //uint localIndexZ = gl_LocalInvocationID.z; //uint localIdx = localIndexZ * width * height + localIndexY * width + localIndexX; // 1D index float value = inputData[globalIdx]; // Read from the input buffer outputData[globalIdx] = value * value; }
And the pipeline code:
bool ComputeBackend::onSquare(std::vector<float> data) { #ifndef sptr_ #define sptr_ std::shared_ptr #endif if (!rhi_) return false; bool compute_feature = rhi_->isFeatureSupported(QRhi::Compute); bool readback_feature = rhi_->isFeatureSupported(QRhi::ReadBackNonUniformBuffer); qInfo() << "Compute Supported : " << compute_feature << Qt::endl; qInfo() << "Read Back Storage Supported : " << readback_feature << Qt::endl; qInfo() << "Read Back Limit : " << rhi_->resourceLimit(QRhi::MaxAsyncReadbackFrames) << Qt::endl; qInfo() << "MaxThreadGroupsX : " << rhi_->resourceLimit(QRhi::MaxThreadGroupX) << Qt::endl; qInfo() << "MaxThreadGroupsY : " << rhi_->resourceLimit(QRhi::MaxThreadGroupY) << Qt::endl; qInfo() << "MaxThreadGroupsZ : " << rhi_->resourceLimit(QRhi::MaxThreadGroupZ) << Qt::endl; qInfo() << "MaxThreadGroupsperDim : " << rhi_->resourceLimit(QRhi::MaxThreadGroupsPerDimension) << Qt::endl; if (!compute_feature || !readback_feature) return false; int num = data.size(); // compute the optimal groups int wGX = num; //rhi_->resourceLimit(QRhi::MaxThreadGroupX); int wGY = 1; //rhi_->resourceLimit(QRhi::MaxThreadGroupX); int wGZ = 1;//rhi_->resourceLimit(QRhi::MaxThreadGroupZ); // Create QRhi buffers auto sbuf = sptr_<QRhiBuffer>(rhi_->newBuffer(QRhiBuffer::Static, QRhiBuffer::StorageBuffer, num * sizeof(float))); sbuf->create(); auto dbuf = sptr_<QRhiBuffer>(rhi_->newBuffer(QRhiBuffer::Static, QRhiBuffer::StorageBuffer, num * sizeof(float))); dbuf->create(); auto srb = sptr_<QRhiShaderResourceBindings>(rhi_->newShaderResourceBindings()); srb->setBindings( { QRhiShaderResourceBinding::bufferLoad(0, QRhiShaderResourceBinding::ComputeStage, sbuf.get()), QRhiShaderResourceBinding::bufferLoadStore(1, QRhiShaderResourceBinding::ComputeStage, dbuf.get()) }); srb->create(); auto pipeline = sptr_<QRhiComputePipeline>(rhi_->newComputePipeline()); pipeline->setShaderStage({QRhiShaderStage::Compute, *(ResourceManager::getUnmanagedShader(":/sort.comp.qsb"))}); pipeline->setShaderResourceBindings(srb.get()); pipeline->create(); // --- create a off screen frame QRhiCommandBuffer *cb; rhi_->beginOffscreenFrame(&cb); auto resourceUpdateBatch = rhi_->nextResourceUpdateBatch(); resourceUpdateBatch->uploadStaticBuffer(sbuf.get(), data.data()); resourceUpdateBatch->uploadStaticBuffer(dbuf.get(), data.data()); cb->beginComputePass(resourceUpdateBatch);//, QRhiCommandBuffer::ExternalContent); cb->setComputePipeline(pipeline.get()); cb->setShaderResources(srb.get()); // srb can be null in which case the current graphics or compute pipeline's associated QRhiShaderResourceBindings is used cb->dispatch(wGX, wGY, wGZ); // Adjust for your data size //stat = rhi_->finish();// Waits for any work on the graphics queue (where applicable) to complete, then executes all deferred operations, like completing readbacks and resource releases. Can be called inside and outside of a frame, but not inside a pass. Inside a frame it implies submitting any work on the command buffer. resourceUpdateBatch = rhi_->nextResourceUpdateBatch(); // in openGL only one readback is supported - in Vulkan 2 QRhiReadbackResult rb_dbuf; resourceUpdateBatch->readBackBuffer(dbuf.get(), 0, num * sizeof(float), &rb_dbuf); cb->endComputePass(resourceUpdateBatch); rhi_->endOffscreenFrame(); // calls a finish qInfo() << "ReadBack Dbuf: " << rb_dbuf.data.size() << Qt::endl; if (rb_dbuf.data.size()) { QByteArray &dba = rb_dbuf.data; float *ddata = reinterpret_cast<float *>(dba.data()); // check the data for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { if (ddata[i] != (data[i]*data[i])) { qInfo() << i - 1 << data[i - 1] << ddata[i - 1] << Qt::endl; qCritical() << i << data[i] << ddata[i] << Qt::endl; break; } } } return true; }
Please note, that OpenGL only support 1 buffer readback, vulkan support 2 buffer readback. Also setting the MaxThreadGroupsX is crutial.
Have fun.
I haven't tested QRhi yet but did you try the RHI Window example to see if things are running on all the backends you have on your machine ?