Question About resource reference qml file from plugin dll
- I build one qml application, and put some qml into one plugin;
- using qt_add_qml_module, build qml in plugin into one module;
- plugin's build type is shared lib, in windows, build into dll file;
I want to know, how to using "qrc:/qt/qml/ModuleName/qml_dir/xxx.qml" to reference qml file buit in plugin dll?
thank you.
same question here:
but no answer.I open plugin dll file using hex editor, I have found qml file's content is compiled into it.
if I using module's component in main application's qml file, it's ok.
if I using engine.loadFromModule("ModuleName", "QmlFileName"), is ok.
but I want to use "ModuleName"/"QmlFileName" as QUrl, because I must keep compatible with old version.
so, could any body help me?
I don't want to use rcc to build rcc file, and register in main application, it's confused.
and for compatible, I cannot statically link plugin with main application.
thanks again. -
Is this issue resolved ? Can you show me the call you are trying to make & which is failing ? How are you trying to access & what is failing ? Give me sample on this.
thank you for your replying.I write an demo to show this, pls help me
an Extra module as independent plugin, will build to dynamic lib(dll), and qml file (Main.qml) will be embeded into ExtraPlugin.dll
in main application's main.cpp, import path (../plugins/)
but cannot using QUrl to reference
;I tried, loadModule(from QT6.5) is OK
but I must keep compatiblility with QT6.3, so I cannot using
loadModule("Extra", "Main")
;likely in main application, cannot read url path from dll file?
@michael_su Did this issue resolved ?.
@michael_su Finally solved this. Let me know if you need help.