Android Return key hides keyboard bug
After migrating from Qt6.6.2 to Qt6.7.2 I have this bug:
I have a QML TextEdit for editing multi line text. When I press the Return key on the virtual keyboard, then a new line gets added to the input (good), but the keyboard hides (bad). The focus stays on the TextEdit field though!
In Qt6.6.2 this works fine. The keyboard stays visible when pressing Return.
which keyboard are you using ? Have you tried Google gboard ?
I am using the default Samsung keyboard on my Galaxy S22.
It has been working always fine with previous Qt versions. Only with Qt6.7.* I get this behavior. Qt.6.7.2 is much better already than Qt6.7.0 as that one completely broke my app.
For now I have gone back to Qt6.6.3. Qt6.7.2 has still too many issues on Android. -
just tested. it's the same with gboard:
Press return: new line added and keyboard hides.
tapping again into the field, keyboard comes back and you can go on and enter text.or use this as workaround:
Keys.onReturnPressed: { nextTextField.forceActiveFocus() thisTextField.forceActiveFocus() }
please open bugreport for your TextField problems on Android with 6.7.x
@ekkescorner yes, i see same behavior. I have this workaround:
Keys.onReleased: (event) => { if (event.key === Qt.Key_Return) }
It works but it is not great, as the keyboard hides and the pops up again.
My biggest issue with Qt6.7.2 is that all movements, e.g. scrolling and drawers popping up, are very jittery. It's like there is a vibration in the movement. Do you see that too?
@Michel-de-Boer said in Android Return key hides keyboard bug:
My biggest issue with Qt6.7.2 is that all movements, e.g. scrolling and drawers popping up, are very jittery. It's like there is a vibration in the movement. Do you see that too?
have no problems yet, but I'm on 6.7.1
thx creating the issue. voted...