Custom SQL Driver manuals, examples with CMake Qt 6. Where?
Does any one know any manuals or how-to of how to develop custom SQL Driver for Qt 6 with CMake?
All examples that found related to Qt 5 and QMake.Mostly this question about CMake and what need to be in CMake file.
Trying to adopt this for using it with CMake and Qt 6. -
I would take inspiration from one of the Qt plugins directly. You will have there the cmake stuff required.
@SGaist The question was about MANUALS. Not about plugins itself or any kind of inspiration. Have seen sources already. There are HUGE amount of new CMake functions that is not described in any official docs. If you don't know reply on question why writing it???
@bogong I don't know why you don't use a simple add_library()...
@Christian-Ehrlicher In which context? add_library to what and what library? My primary goal is adopt this plugin for using it with Qt 6 and CMake and publish it for using by anyone. For now this plugin looking abandoned but super useful, trying to keep it alive. Tried to connect to author of this plugin, haven't got any success in it.
add_library to what and what library?
You want to create a library (aka a Qt sql plugin) - or did I misread something?
@Christian-Ehrlicher Want to create total copy of this plugin, within only one difference - adopt it for Qt 6 and above with CMake. For now it's not working with last versions of Qt 6.
And where is the problem? I already told you more than once that you can create a library with add_library()
While not officially supported for external projects, check the pro to cmake porting guide.
@Christian-Ehrlicher From my point of view based on official documentation "building library" and "building plugin" two different ways, even code base different. There are even different examples for Qt. What do you mean under the term "library"? And have you any link on manuals on how to build plugins with CMake for Qt 6? And which library need to be added if there need to build it first???
Please read the documentation on add_library() - don't know what's the problem. Or use the qt specific way qt_add_plugin() to make sure the json file is properly integrated without manual steps. See also