Qt creator doesn't work after vanilla installation
Sorry if this is not the right category for this post,
So I downloaded the open source installer from https://www.qt.io/download-open-source(which strangely says "Qt Online Installerをダウンロード" for the actual download link even though i don't have anything japanese in my computer, google translate translates it to "download") and after the straightforward vanilla installation it wouldn't open. Tried QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 and it would list wayland in installed widgets, but still logged some things about X11, even though XDG_SESSION_TYPE is wayland with errors like: Warning: Ignoring WAYLAND_DISPLAY on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway. After running it with QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland it would indeed launch but would still give random CMake errors like: qt6gui could not be found because dependancy wrapopengl could not be found and I think it still ran the X11 version based on the window icons. Then I found the equivalent lib that I should install but turns out it already is installed. So i just uninstalled it with the qt utility, reinstalled, but still got the same issue. In the end i just uninstalled it again and glued myself a qt creator from the fedora repos installing: qt-creator, qt, qt6-qtbase, qt6-qtbase-common, qt6-qtbase-gui, qt6-qtbase-devel and qt6-qtdeclarative-devel and made it work, but now in design tab when i move things around they appear blurred and don't land where i put them but shift a couple pixels randomly. Is this normal or is the installer broken? Shouldn't it just work out of the box?
OS: Fedora 40 workstation, gnome, wayland 46 -
@TemplateBlackMagic said in Qt creator doesn't work after vanilla installation:
CMake errors like: qt6gui could not be found because dependancy wrapopengl could not be found
Did you follow instructions from here: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/linux.html ?
@jsulm I already had mesa-libGL-devel and most of C dev libs as listed but installed it anyways, also today the installer was updated to 4.8.0 from 4.7.0 but it still doesn't work out of the box. Managed to run it by going to the ~Qt/Tools/QtCreator/bin and running it with QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland ./qtcreator and according to xlsclients it does indeed run in wayland mode.