Silent installation commercial product
I would like to know how can I install silently thé enterprise version of qt 4.8.7 AND 5.15
I need to automate both installation but I dont find any documentation about the switch parameters I need to use. I just know /S for silent install but I need to know the switch for user name and key name. These are the values I need to enter during GUI installationThanks for your help
See (I assume you're talking about online installer).
But usually you can simply call a command line application with -h parameter to get a list of all supported parameters. -
Thanks for your answer.
I already find this link but I m talking about offline installer. Online installer requires email / password. I have license name + key and I can t us eonline installer because no internet access.
I tried /? and /help and -help and -h but no one is helping for V 4. They all just execute the setup.
It s working for v5.So, is there a way to install v4 with CLI ?
I will try with same parameters just to test it...