Memory allocation Issue in Raspberry pi 4b 8GB Ram
Hi I am bulding a Dashboard appliacion where i want to integrate the maps Using the General magic plugin. When i am running the applicaiton on my Desktop its running perfectly but when i try to run the same in my Raspberry Pi its showing the following memory allocation issue both my Desktop and Raspberr Pi has 8gb of ram.
QT version : 5.15.2
Raspberry PI OS : Raspberrypi os
Raspberry Pi SD Card : 64gb
Desktop OS : Ubuntu OSMy Code :
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.5
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import Style 1.0
import GeneralMagic 2.0
import "../Component"EaglePage {
width: 510 // Adjusted width
height: 220 // Adjusted height
property var updater: ServicesManager.contentUpdater(ContentItem.Type.RoadMap)
Component.onCompleted: {
//! [Set token safely]
ServicesManager.settings.token = __my_secret_token;
//! [Set token safely]
ServicesManager.settings.allowInternetConnection = true; // enable connection to online servicesupdater.autoApplyWhenReady = true; updater.update(); } //! [RoutingNavigation plumbing] //! [RoutingNavigation routing] RoutingService { id: routingService type: Route.Type.Fastest transportMode: Route.TransportMode.Car waypoints: LandmarkList { Landmark { name: "start" coordinates: Coordinates { latitude: 48.849289 longitude: 2.346027 } } Landmark { name: "stop" coordinates: Coordinates { latitude: 48.874630 longitude: 2.331512 } } } onFinished: { mapView.routeCollection.set(routeList); mapView.centerOnRouteList(routeList); } } //! [RoutingNavigation routing] //! [RoutingNavigation navigation] function distance(meters) { return meters >= 1000 ? (meters / 1000.).toFixed(3) + " Km" : meters.toFixed(0) + " m"; } NavigationService { id: navigation route: mapView.routeCollection.mainRoute simulation: true // change it to false (default) to perform real turn by turn navigation onActiveChanged: { if (active) { mapView.startFollowingPosition(); mapView.routeCollection.clear(true /*keepMainRoute*/); } } onCurrentInstructionChanged: { // WORKS ONLY with Qt 5.15.x or Qt 6.x const nextspeedlimit = currentInstruction.nextSpeedLimitVariation(); console.log(nextspeedlimit.distance, nextspeedlimit.speed, nextspeedlimit.coordinates.latitude, nextspeedlimit.coordinates.longitude); } onWaypointReached: console.log("WaypointReached :" +; onDestinationReached: mapView.routeCollection.clear(); onNavigationError: { console.log("NavigationError :" + error); mapView.routeCollection.clear(); } onNavigationRouteUpdated: { console.log("RouteUpdated :" + route.summary); mapView.routeCollection.add(route, true); mapView.routeCollection.clear(true); } } //! [RoutingNavigation navigation] //! [RoutingNavigation mapView] MapView { id: mapView anchors.fill: parent viewAngle: 25 cursorVisibility: false onRouteSelected: { routeCollection.mainRoute = route; centerOnRoute(route); console.log("Route selected, centering:" + route.summary); } //! [RoutingNavigation mapView] Rectangle { color: Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.75) visible: anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right height: 64 RowLayout { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 10 DynamicIconView { Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.maximumWidth: height width: height arrowInner: "darkblue" arrowOuter: "gold" slotInner: "grey" slotOuter: arrowOuter iconSource: navigation.currentInstruction.nextTurnDynamicIcon } Label { Layout.fillWidth: true font.pixelSize: 16 text: navigation.currentInstruction.nextStreetName + " (" + distance(navigation.currentInstruction.distanceToNextTurn) + ")"; } DynamicIconView { Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.maximumWidth: height width: height arrowInner: "darkgrey" arrowOuter: "black" slotInner: "grey" slotOuter: "darkgreen" iconSource: navigation.currentInstruction.nextNextTurnDynamicIcon } Label { font.pixelSize: 14 text: distance(navigation.currentInstruction.distanceToNextNextTurn) } } } RowLayout { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom //! [RoutingNavigation compute routing] Button { text: "Compute route(s)" enabled: ServicesManager.settings.connected && ! onClicked: routingService.update() } //! [RoutingNavigation compute routing] Item { Layout.fillWidth: true } Button { enabled: mapView.routeCollection.mainRoute.valid text: ? "Stop simulation" : "Start simulation" onClicked: = ! } } //! [RoutingNavigation mapView end] }
02:24:07: Starting /usr/local/qt5.15/examples/GeneralMagic/RoutingNavigation/EagleTheme on Raspi4...
QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.
################## Magic Lane log ####################
################## Date 2024-05-01 02:24:08.590 UTC+05:30 ####################
################## Version ####################
##############################################################################GEM: I/E May 01 02:24:08.595 <SDK>gemImpl::SDK::Produce Device=Unknown, OS=GNU/Linux:Unknown, timer=0x1DB4F4C, appVariant=4294967295 ( client=4095, product=255, hosting=15, flavor=255 ), phoneDataPath=:/GENERAL_MAGIC_DATA, mmcDataPath=/home/hut/.cache/Amrita/Eagle Theme/GeneralMagic, savePolicy=1, lang=, ttsLang= logger=0x1DB4F48, platform support=qt [ SDKImpl.cpp:980 ]
GEM: I/E May 01 02:24:08.603 <SDK><std::function<void> UI language: eng-USA-Latn-0 [ SDKImpl.cpp:1180 ]
GEM: I/E May 01 02:24:08.603 <SDK><std::function<void> TTS language: eng-USA-Latn-0 [ SDKImpl.cpp:1181 ]
GEM: I/E May 01 02:24:08.603 <SDK><std::function<void> STT language: eng-USA-Latn-0 [ SDKImpl.cpp:1182 ]
GEM: I/E May 01 02:24:08.603 <SDK>COnlineDataStorage::Init Use external: 1, allow switch: 1 [ OnlineDataStorage.cpp:80 ]
GEM: I/E May 01 02:24:08.603 <SDK>COnlineDataStorage::Init Init online storage: select path /home/hut/.cache/Amrita/Eagle Theme/GeneralMagic/Data/Temporary/Tiles/, free space 48620.09 MB [ OnlineDataStorage.cpp:163 ]
GEM: I/E May 01 02:24:08.668 <DBReader>DBReader::TTilesDiskCache::Init Online map cache memory size: 1295620 [ OffboardCaches.cpp:201 ]
GEM: I/E May 01 02:24:08.669 <DBReader>DBReader::CDBStorage_Client::ResizeFileCaches Main cache size: 402.36 KB, Aux cache size: 88.53 KB [ StorageClient.cpp:152 ]
GEM: I/E May 01 02:24:08.669 <SDK>CWorldMapDB::InitMap World map loaded : :/GENERAL_MAGIC_DATA/Data/Res/ [ WorldMapDB.cpp:1016 ]
GEM: F/E May 01 02:24:08.671 <Platform>gp::MemMgr::AllocFail Out of memory allocating -997845960 bytes [ MemMgrP.cpp:1344 ]
GEM: E/E May 01 02:24:08.671 <RUNTIME ASSERTION>gp::MemMgr::AllocFail false ( /home/balazs/Work/ORLANDO_UI_SPLIT/Src/Platform/Src/Alloc/MemMgrP.cpp:1345 ) [ SystemP.cpp:952 ]
GEM: E/E May 01 02:24:08.685 <Platform>gp::Platform::DumpPlatformContext DUMP platform context [ PlatformP.cpp:1145 ]
GEM: E/E May 01 02:24:08.685 <Platform>gp::Platform::DumpPlatformContext SDK create thread last error: No error : sys err (0), details () ( :0 ) [ PlatformP.cpp:1151 ]
GEM: E/E May 01 02:24:08.685 <Platform><gp::Platform::DumpPlatformContext()::<lambda> Thread 0xdf7fe3c0 last error: No error : sys err (0), details () ( :0 ) [ PlatformP.cpp:1159 ]
GEM: E/E May 01 02:24:08.685 <Platform><gp::Platform::DumpPlatformContext()::<lambda> Thread 0xdffff3c0 last error: No error : sys err (0), details () ( :0 ) [ PlatformP.cpp:1159 ]
GEM: E/E May 01 02:24:08.685 <Platform><gp::Platform::DumpPlatformContext()::<lambda> Thread 0xe09ff3c0 last error: No error : sys err (0), details () ( :0 ) [ PlatformP.cpp:1159 ]
GEM: E/E May 01 02:24:08.686 <Platform><gp::Platform::DumpPlatformContext()::<lambda> Thread 0xe13ad3c0 last error: No error : sys err (0), details () ( :0 ) [ PlatformP.cpp:1159 ]
GEM: E/E May 01 02:24:08.686 <Platform><gp::Platform::DumpPlatformContext()::<lambda> Thread 0xe1bae3c0 last error: No error : sys err (0), details () ( :0 ) [ PlatformP.cpp:1159 ]
02:24:08: /usr/local/qt5.15/examples/GeneralMagic/RoutingNavigation/EagleTheme on Raspi4 exited with code 255Note: I know that still i did not provided the api key.
thank you in Advance......
@Gautham0517 said in Memory allocation Issue in Raspberry pi 4b 8GB Ram:
GEM: F/E May 01 02:24:08.671 <Platform>gp::MemMgr::AllocFail Out of memory allocating
The Raspberry is out of memory, I'd say.