Qt 6.7 Windows 11 Bug with Arabic languarge
I am co-author of an open source software and a user report me wrong alignment of the arabic language in the main menu. He told me that Qt 6.6 was correct. I tried to reproduce, but i have only Windows 10 and there it is fine.
Can anybody recheck it? Should I report it to the Qt bug tracker?Picture of his report is attached.
Can you provide a minimal compilable example that shows this behaviour ?
@Volker75 Sadly, as i wrote, I haven't got Windows 11. So i can't test it myself. In fact i am setting only the style to LTR for Arabic and that is all. I guess it is the new windows 11 platform engine released with Qt 6.7 that make this problem, since the old Qt 6.6 use the old windows-vista style by default.
Then maybe ask the reporting user for a reproducer and a screenshot. -
@SGaist I already told him how to start with fusion style by command line and i am waiting for his answer. I will report as soon as i got it. Compiling and installing software is not easy for my users, since the software is used at school and in most schools the guys can't install software and always need to ask the administrator. But administrators are of course always critical if they got a small exe file with a request to check it. The OS is in productive use (not a private computer just for fun) and they fear viruses. So it is always complicated to track down bugs if i can't reproduce them myself. (and i already always testing with Linux x64, Linux ARM, MacOS x86, MacOS arm, Windows 7 (qt 5), Windows 10. Only Windows 11 is missing in my test devices. I can't effort it now. Maybe i will buy one next year.
I got the answer from the user.
If the starts the application with "fet -style fusion" then the alignment is fine. So i bet all left to right languages (but at least Arabic) will have wrong alignments if the use Qt 6.7 and Windows 11.I told my users to use the fusion style. I hope Qt will fix this soon. Not sure if it is already in the Qt bug tracker.
@Volker75 You should add a mre. The problem is the modernwindows style for win11 which was added with Qt6.7.0. So you client can also use the windows 10 style ->
-style windowsvista
@Christian-Ehrlicher I am sorry for my bad English. I don't know what "mre" is.
Then I’ll be the devil’s advocate: I don’t believe you. There is no bug. Everything works correctly.
Prove that I am wrong! -
@DerReisende said in Qt 6.7 Windows 11 Bug with Arabic languarge:
always use fusion on
Why not the windowsvista style?
Liviu added a minimum example in the bug tracker. Can anybody with Windows 11 and Qt 6.7 please test it and check the aliment is as wrong with default style as the bug reporter sent me by his screenshot (see my first post. I added the picture there) and correct with fusion (or others)?
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-124931 -
@Christian-Ehrlicher I can't tell you why he uses fusion and not windowsvista, but i can tell you why I prefer fusion. Because we are compiling for Windows, Linux and MacOS. Fusion exists on all 3 platforms. But windowsvista doesn't. So it is easier to code and bugs will probably faster visible for the developer, since he will probably notice bugs already on the other platforms.
@Christian-Ehrlicher just coincidence. I needed a style that worked and it doesn‘t look bad. And I admit I only saw the „ugly“ Windows style as the other alternative and overlooked „windowsvista“ :D
I saw that the "need more information" label was removed, so i guess someone was able to reproduce it now. Sadly only rated as a P3 bug, so I fear that (since i already reported an other Qt bug about wrong right to left in tables already much over 10 years ago and it is still present in Qt and unsolved in the Qt bug tracker) it will need more then 1 years until someone solve it. Can anybody prove me that I am wrong?