Issues with QtMQTT install on Mac (Qt 6.6.2)
I have been following this guide:
to install QtMQTT on Mac M1 chip with Qt 6.6.2. In the guide I was able to compile the qtmqtt project in Qt Creator and copy most of the necessary files and folders from the build folder into the newly created QtMqtt directory within my Qt/6.6.2/macos/include/ directory. However, for this stepI only see one .pri file, so I copied that over and then tried to run the SimpleClient example project and the build failed. When I recloned the qtmqtt repo and restarted the steps, the qtmqtt project does not even compile anymore in Qt. It gives this error:
Any help is appreciated!
@pleaseHelpIAmDesperate You should better follow and install the build modules using:
~/Qt/Tools/CMake/bin/cmake --install . --verbose
no need to copy anything manually.