After adding a new resource asset (.mp4) won't compile properly: "The kit Desktop has configuration issues which might be the root cause for this problem"
I have a Qt Quick program that takes in local video files (.avi and .mp4) and play when chosen and clicked Play.
Currently I hardcoded 9 of them and I have 3 .avi video files for 3 out of 9 videos I want aside from some other .svg image assets and this compile & run without further issues aside from random crashes upon startup a few times that resolve itself after I run it again the 3rd or 4th time.
The problem begins when I add in a 4th media video file into the designated resource folder (.mp4 or .avi), and I'd get this error every time no matter what .mp4 or .avi different file I tried after Clean, QMake, and Build:
The program would still run after this error but just won't load the video when I click play and instead load another video from another index that I did not assign to it.
I tried googling about this but the first page didn't show a lot of promising results and mostly other unrelated errors.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
How big are these files ? You might be hitting limits depending on that. See here for large files.
You might want to consider building your resources separately as described here.