Unable to debug Android App (Windows + Qt Creator 12 + LLDB)
Guess time to un install Creator 12... the COMMERCIAL THING.. all over again.. doing this like 8th time this week maybe more
Am I to receive any kind of 'thanks' for these reports from Qt? A free Tech Support just maybe?
Here we go AGAIN
Since we really really WANT to get this up and running, we would download and OFFICIAL 11.0.12 JE as advises by docs (..) not the opensource thing...and see
Windows 11 version exactly as the one found in docs 22H... now it MUST work, right?
Do I dare?
so since Android SDK with API 31 EMPLOYS Java class version 61 objects for its components this IMPLIES a requirements for JDK version 17.
QT ... kindly update your docs?
that's WRONG... Android API 31 components (SDK) REQUIRES (seemingly JAVA SE version 17) since its components use object version 61 NOT 55.
let's keep trying... shall we...
@JoeCFD you say?
but windows is on the list..but sure.. if it's to help out... we are are up for ANYTHING
Fetching Ubuntu 20.04 LTS already
This post is deleted!
The exact version of UBUNTU as advised by QT documentation....
Now,' hilarious' is not a word which would do justice, or is it..
The above is shown... On a fresh Ubuntu installation... on default 5.15.16 settings...... online installer...
after the installation is finished and when attempting to launch Creator 12
@CodesInChaoss Install Qt 5.15.2 and use Qt Creator which comes with Qt 5.15.2 on Ubuntu 22.04 That is what I did with my project for Android. No issues with debugging. I will have a shot at Qt 6.6.2 with Qt Creator 12 for Android on Monday. I know it is messy and too many settings.
Thank you kindly for your reply, so few people here willing to give a helpful hand.
Yet, since we decided to pay for QT to in order to avoid the inherent bogs of open source (which we've been using years) we rather stick to QT creator which is compatible with QT 5.15.16 (and the prior version which you suggested is not).
Follow instructions above.
Would be nice for Qt team to improve installer as they state no additional libraries would be needed on this very Ubuntu.
Follow steps above to install missing libs.