Unable to debug Android App (Windows + Qt Creator 12 + LLDB)
Friends, I'm unable to debug my Android app with QT Creator 12 and LLDB no breakpoints ever are hit.
In logs I've found:
I MessageMonitor: Load libmiui_runtime D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10392; state: ENABLED D AppScoutStateMachine: 25996-ScoutStateMachinecreated W ActivityThread: Application org.gridnetproject.GRIDNEToken is waiting for the debugger on port 8100... I System.out: Sending WAIT chunk killall: lldb-server: No such process I System.out: Debugger has connected I System.out: waiting for debugger to settle... I System.out: waiting for debugger to settle... I System.out: debugger detached?
can you see 'I System.out: debugger detached?'
I've spent an entire day on this.. PLEASE, anyone ?
by the end of the log (after the app has crashed already) it says:"CONNECT: error: failed to get reply to handshake packet adb://pbx4mn555hi7ojyx:5039 platform: remote-android False"
here is what I did
I uninstalled the app with
adb uninstall com.your.packagejust as advised in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49148823/c-c-debugger-does-not-work-on-android-studio-3-0-1
(Android Studio issues 2018)
Now, the app got deployed again, this time crashing no more... BUT....
- all my breakpoints in the initial sequence were OMITTED
- the app kept spinning for like 10 seconds before everything froze (presumably debugger kicking in)
- after (2-3 MINUTES) debugger attached and the app froze in what looked to me as a random ASM line (not related to my code). Those lines are related to android.os.perfdebug
Now my breakpoints are hit.
So I guess my questions are:
- how to make the app actually WAIT for the debugger to attach ? It's like with QT Creator 10 Community Addition and GDB instead of LLDB that was normal and anticipated.
- how to prevent breakpoints in some random to me places from firing ? I presume some exception in android-level performance counters related to graphics
- how to make it all faster - 2-3 minutes for the debugger to kick in? come on
I've triple checked that 'wait for debugger' is checked on my Android device.
- the app launches
- it shows a white bar that it's waiting for debugger to attach>
at this point in console it would say
I System.out: Debugger has connected I System.out: waiting for debugger to settle... I System.out: waiting for debugger to settle... I System.out: debugger detached?
- the app KEEPS RUNNING for (5-10 seconds) after which it freezes.
- during that period NO BREAKPOINTS would ever be hit
- during that time Creator keeps showing that it's connecting.
- Creator would connect after 2-3 minutes.
At which point in console it would say
CONNECT: success adb://pbx4mn555hi7ojyx:5039 platform: remote-android TrueW AudioTrack: restartIfDisabled(304): releaseBuffer() track 0x7e628ce800 disabled due to previous underrun, restarting
Running latest Creator (commercial license). 5.15.16
It keep 'breaking' in some random looking ASM code. (but I know these are from lldb "android.os.perfdebug.PerfDebugMonitorImpl" for the most of it).
Now it doesn't even show the source file location.
It doesn't output any info, what kind of a signal caused this, nothing.How to proceed?
My breakpoints are hit as well.
I've managed to see stack:""
How do I stop QT Creator 12 breaking at this location even once a second
Tried adding an exception to LLDB through custom settings to avoid this 'namespace' to no avail.
My QT Creator just crashed and all my Kit settings are gone... it's all way too ridiculous.
@CodesInChaoss Have you enabled USB debugging on your phone?
@Ronel_qtmaster that's a joke right
I'll also give you one: no, I've enabled debugging on my TV and Fridge instead. -
@CodesInChaoss Check if it is working with GDB as well before drawing conclusions
I'm not drawing conclusions in regards to performance of LLDB since I've used LLDB manually in projects not involving QT already.
What kind of conclusions do you have on mind the situation is depicted in detail already.
@CodesInChaoss maybe you are using LLDB the wrong way with qt.
Also, have you checked if it is the right version for your Qt version?
How have you first of all added lldb in qt? which versiion of lldb are using? -
Everything comes with defaults delivered by QT Creator 12, clean install of Windows.
@CodesInChaoss LLDB is for linux, use GDB for windows
check this https://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-debugger-engines.html -
yes I've seen this page already BUT it seems that recent versions of QT Creator enforce use of LLDB (also by default) on WIndows. There are tickets in Bug-Reports saying that they've 'transitioned'.
I've always worked with GDB on WIndows with QT Creator, but to all my surprise, after installation of QT Creator 12 (we've transitioned to Commercial License) LLDB was selected and enabled BY DEFAULT on all kits.
So I said to myself, ok - let's go. I knew LLDB was for mac since that's what we've been using for iOS deployment.
lldb version 11.0.5 clang revision 87f1315dfbea7c137aa2e6d362dbb457e388158d llvm revision 87f1315dfbea7c137aa2e6d362dbb457e388158d
@CodesInChaoss Do you mean that you have installed lldb with the online installler?
Well it must have arrived with the online installer, yes, by default since I've used all the default tickers which go for Qt 5.15.16 -
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