QMediaPlayer inside QGraphicsView with gstreamer
I have tried to launch a gstreamer pipeline in Python using QGraphicsView with QMediaPlayer.
It works if I use QVideoWidget, however, I am unable to run it with QGraphicsView. I need QGraphicsView, because I need functionality of it, as I will need to be able to draw on it, move around and etc.
Python: 3.10.12
PySide6: 6.6.1
GStreamer: 1.20.3
OS: Ubuntu 22.04I have tried to use the example from QMediaPlayer documentation page, but it was not helpful. I have tried various sinks, sources and it did not work.
The code runs without throwing any errors, but all I get is empty gray window.
import sys from PySide6.QtCore import QUrl from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene from PySide6.QtMultimedia import QMediaPlayer, QVideoFrame from PySide6.QtMultimediaWidgets import QGraphicsVideoItem app = QApplication(sys.argv) class VideoPlayer(QGraphicsView): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.scene = QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 640, 480) self.setScene(self.scene) self.player = QMediaPlayer() self.videoItem = QGraphicsVideoItem() self.scene.addItem(self.videoItem) self.player.setVideoOutput(self.videoItem) self.player.setSource(QUrl("gst-pipeline: videotestsrc ! xvimagesink name=\"qtvideosink\"")) self.player.play() def closeEvent(self, event): self.player.stop() super().closeEvent(event) if __name__ == '__main__': player = VideoPlayer() player.show() sys.exit(app.exec())
I believe that this is Gstreamer pipeline issue, because, if I launch my a local video, the display does work:
I am not exactly sure what else could I do...
Qt6 does not have such a thing as videoItem.videoSurface(), therefore, the thread that you have pointed to does not help me.Downgrading version is out of question for me, I need several components that are available only in Qt6 (even though I have tried your solution in PySide2 and it appears to be working there, but it is of no use for me)
I have tried the solution you have pointed to and I get the same issue. I just get a gray window.
works well
self.player.setSource(QUrl("gst-pipeline: videotestsrc ! autovideosink"))
does not workDowngrading to PySide2 does solve the issue, so I am not sure what is the issue, that does sort of imply that GStreamer works well, unless PySide6 and PySide2 requires different gstreamer plugins or something...
As I said however, using PySide2 is not a solution for me.
I have tested local files to confirm that I have been using widgets appropriately and also in order to try to identify source of the issue.I dont need local files, my ultimate intention is to use gstreamer pipeline, this was for testing only...
So are you telling me that there is no way for me to use gstreamer pipeline or are there any potential workarounds???
Theoretically I could use OpenCV to do all this, so all of this is not too much of an issue, but I still prefer using gstreamer if possible.... Is there no way?
@JokZiz1 check here.
https://forum.qt.io/topic/154489/simple-app-to-show-webcam-output-via-gstreamer-pipeline/6?_=1708034483864you can create a qml widget as sink and use gstreamer raw code to run a pipeline if you know gstreamer well.