Qt 6.6 Camera supported features
QML and Qt Quick
Hi guys, I'm trying to get the features that my camera support but I only receive, from this function, 0 as result:
void CameraInfoBridge::check(QCamera *camera) { qDebug() << "Features: " << camera->supportedFeatures();
I'm developing on windows 10 and I have the same result using:
- intregrated camera
- 2 other camera module
is there something I miss?
I guess it is rather weird that QT does not support any functions
Thanks in advance for any help
@Evanshion Please provide more context/code (for example we do not know how you're initialising camera).
@jsulm yes, of course.
MediaDevices { id: mediaDevices Component.onCompleted: { for (var cam of mediaDevices.videoInputs){ if (cam.description==="Extraoral camera") //this is my default camera (a camera that supports videoclass, and can change focus, color settings ecc ecc camera.cameraDevice = cam } } } AudioInput { id: audioInput } CaptureSession { id: captureSession imageCapture : ImageCapture { id: imageCapture property string photopath: filemanager.photo_path } camera: Camera { id: camera cameraDevice: mediaDevices.defaultVideoInput focusMode: Camera.FocusModeAutoNear } recorder: MediaRecorder { id: recorder outputLocation: filemanager.video_path+"/"+addMsg("_video") } audioInput: audioInput videoOutput: videoOutput } VideoOutput { id: videoOutput anchors.fill: parent anchors.rightMargin: 0 anchors.leftMargin: 0 anchors.bottomMargin: 0 anchors.topMargin: 0 fillMode: VideoOutput.PreserveAspectFit }
Tell me if you need further informations
Thanks in advanceps: I use, in another part of the code
so I can assure I'm already able to see a video stream, recording it and taking photo from it.
What I can't do is just changing any settings, seem that my cameras (I tried more) are all not supported...