Qt 6.6.1 - static build : not able to add in qtcreator win11
I did Qt 6.6.1 static build but not able to add new kit for static build in qt creator.
facing issue with compilers and debugger.
i suspect something went wrong OR i missed out PATH settings, KINDLY ASSIST.steps i followed are :
download source zip file from : https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/6.6/6.6.1/single/..\qt-everywhere-src-6.6.1\configure.bat -platform win32-g++ -prefix "..\6.6.1" -static -static-runtime -no-openssl -schannel -c++std c++20 -dbus-runtime -no-icu -no-glib -qt-doubleconversion -qt-pcre -qt-zlib -qt-freetype -qt-harfbuzz -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-sqlite -qt-tiff -qt-webp -confirm-license -release -sql-sqlite -sql-mysql -sql-odbc -nomake examples -nomake tests
cmake --build . --parallel
cmake --install .
PS C:\Users\anasd> C:\QtSource\6.6.1\bin\qmake.exe -v
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 6.6.1 in C:/QtSource/6.6.1/lib
PS C:\Users\anasd> -
@Anas_Deshmukh You did not set compiler in your Kit
@Anas_Deshmukh What compiler did you use for this static build?
are my steps are correct ?
should i use :
mingw32-make installafter configuration to build ?
@Anas_Deshmukh said in Qt 6.6.1 - static build : not able to add in qtcreator win11:
It is better to use MinGW provided via Qt Online INstaller / Maintenance Tool.
Did you check MinGW configuration in QtCreator? Are there any errors/warnings?
Also, that MinGW compiler seems to be a cross compiler for ARM - your Qt static build is a build for Windows (win32-g++). You can't use this cross compiler for Windows. Maybe you simply selected the wrong compiler in QtCreator?