What thirdparty packages are used in Qt5 PDF module for display of PDF files?
I only want to display PDF files with Qt5 PDF module.
from here: https://wiki.qt.io/Handling_PDF
The QtPDF module is a wrapper around PDFium with Apache License Version 2.0. It will look good to use Qt PDF module as LGPL. But some other packages(GPL) are listed as well. Does this module use other packages. I am a bit confused. Has anyone had looked into this? In theory, Qt5 PDF module has to be GPL if any GPL package is used inside, right? -
@JoeCFD here is the official documentation page: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtpdf-licensing.html and it says the module can be used under LGPL. The list under additional licenses is empty - either it really is so or it is a documentation bug.
@JoeCFD From the licensing page, the only third party is pdfium which a quick look at the project's sources confirm.
The pdfium project is Apache 2.0 licensed so the module can be LGPL.
@JoeCFD I think you may have misunderstood the content of the page. The third party libraries listed there are just alternatives to QtPDF that you can use in place of it. Those are not extra/optional dependencies of the QtPDF module.