Android app doesn't run
@mzimmers said in Android app doesn't run:
@ekkescorner I've created the templates, but I haven't modified them. I can't find documentation that tells me how to populate the fields.
Note that the pulldowns for setting the SDK are disabled.That editor is badly broken. I recommend avoiding it:
As a quick sanity check, create a new "Hello World" project. Does that build and run correctly?
@JKSH OK, built a new project. I configured it for Android, but there's nothing in the CMakeLists.txt file about Android. (I didn't add any of the stuff that @ekkescorner mentions on his web page.) When I build, I get an error:
:-1: error: aapt2.exe E 08-18 19:22:13 16988 23404 ApkAssets.cpp:149] Failed to load resources table in APK 'C:\Users\michael.zimmers\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platforms\android-35\android.jar'. error: failed to load include path C:\Users\michael.zimmers\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platforms\android-35\android.jar. * Try: > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. > Run with --scan to get full insights. * Get more help at
So, I'm not sure where to go from here. It's hard to tell whether the problem is in my Android setup, or my specific project settings.
@mzimmers running Qt Examples without changes this should work without creating and modifying templates.
If examples don't run there seems to be something wrong with your Android / QtC installation
BTW: you can verify the settings for min and target. go to your build dir and take a look atbuild android-build
@ekkescorner just to be clear, this error didn't come from one of the presupplied Qt examples. I created it using the project wizard.
Here are the version settings in my file:
androidBuildToolsVersion=33.0.0 androidCompileSdkVersion=android-35 androidNdkVersion=25.1.8937393 qtMinSdkVersion=23 qtTargetAbiList=arm64-v8a qtTargetSdkVersion=31
They don't seem to match what you indicated would be correct.
BTW: Is there a typo in this section of your page?
Qt supports these API Level: Qt 6.6: Min API 26 (Android 8) Qt 6.8 MIn API 28 (Android 9) see QTBUG-124890 Qt 6.6: Target API 33 (Android 13) Qt 6.7: Target API 34 (Android 14)
this is from one of my 6.7.1 apps:
android.useAndroidX=true androidBuildToolsVersion=34.0.0 androidCompileSdkVersion=android-34 androidNdkVersion=26.1.10909125 qtMinSdkVersion=26 qtTargetAbiList=arm64-v8a qtTargetSdkVersion=34
QMake or CMake - always the same for my projects
BTW: some examples from create (update) Templates I did: -
OK, but...given that this file is built for me, clearly I don't want to just make changes to it. Where are the settings that populate the contents of this file when it's built? Is there something wrong with my Preferences -> Devices -> Android settings?
don't know what's wrong
seems you have built with android-35
dont know if this works with 6.5
have no experiences with 6.5 - started my Qt 6 development with 6.6
you can try to change this to 33, what's supported by 6.5 -
@ekkescorner I changed to 33; no success. I then deleted all my Qt project cache and rebuilt. It now works...sort of. I'm going to have a bunch more questions, but it's time to close out this thread and start a new one. Thank you for all the help.
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@mzimmers said in Android app doesn't run:
I then deleted all my Qt project cache and rebuilt. It now works
this is always the first thing if something wrong with build or if templates created or QtC changed: delete the build dir physically - not only build-clean in QtC
sorry - forgot to ask you about ;-)
good that it's working -
@ekkescorner just to be clear, for me it was not sufficient to delete the build directory. I had to go into home\AppData\Roaming\QtProject and delete all the files in there.
this is the folder where QtC stores Settings on windows ?
I never use the default settings location for QtC to avoid problems if different QtC versions are installed. I always start QtC with a specific settings folder for each installation. -
I have just discovered that you can trigger this problem simply by unchecking:
Edit -> Preferences ... -> Build & Run -> "Always deploy project before running it"
then making changes and rebuilding the project.
Turning this option back on solves the problem - without having to use the sledgehammer of removing the AppData/Roaming/QtProject folder!
It makes sense, I suppose, though I believe this was not the case in earlier versions of Qt. I am using QtCreator 14.0.1 on Qt6.7.2.