QCursor::pos() only works correctly if I change the Qt Creator theme.
I have created a mouseMoveEvent that should return the global coordinates of the cursor
void MainWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { QPoint globalPos = event->pos(); globalPos = QWidget::mapToGlobal(globalPos); ui->labelGlobal->setText(QString("%1 : %2").arg(globalPos.x()).arg(globalPos.y())); }
, but if I move the cursor to the left-top corner of the screen, I get negative coordinates, even though the coordinates should be 0:0.
If I change the Qt Creator theme, everything works correctly, until I restart Qt Creator for the first time. -
@Christian-Ehrlicher I disable Wayland in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and reboot Ubuntu, everything worked correctly.
Thanks for the help!
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What do you mean by "Qt Creator theme" ?
Which version of Qt are you using ?
On which platform ? -
@Punkcake said in QCursor::pos() only works correctly if I change the Qt Creator theme.:
Qt Creator 11.0.3 Based on Qt 6.4.3
That's not your Qt version you are using to create your app, that's what was used to build QtCreator itself.
Does changing it to
make any difference?
class MyMainWindow : public QMainWindow { public: void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) override { QMainWindow::mouseMoveEvent(ev); const auto globalPos = mapToGlobal(ev->pos()); qDebug() << globalPos << ev->globalPosition() << ev->pos(); } };
Works fine for me, even though the mapped and the global pos from the event differ sometimes (maybe due to rounding errors).
I think the problem is not in the code
@Punkcake But you should still output QMouseEvent::globalPosition() and check it with the calculated one. I doubt it's a Qt problem but maybe within your window manager - what window manager do you use?
@Christian-Ehrlicher I output QMouseEvent::globalPosition() and got the following values:
QPoint(-111,-76) QPointF(-111,-76) QPoint(-111,-76)
QPoint(-112,-76) QPointF(-112,-76) QPoint(-112,-76)
QPoint(-113,-76) QPointF(-113,-76) QPoint(-113,-76)
QPoint(-114,-76) QPointF(-114,-76) QPoint(-114,-76)
QPoint(-115,-76) QPointF(-115,-76) QPoint(-115,-76)
QPoint(-116,-76) QPointF(-116,-76) QPoint(-116,-76)How can I find out which window manager I'm using?
@Punkcake said in QCursor::pos() only works correctly if I change the Qt Creator theme.:
Maybe the problem is related to virtualization.
Don't know - works fine with VirtualBox here. I think it's the window manager
How can I find out which window manager I'm using?
You should know if you run Gnome or KDE or whatever.
@Christian-Ehrlicher I disable Wayland in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and reboot Ubuntu, everything worked correctly.
Thanks for the help!