[solved] trying to add/modify arguments for make...
...but they don't seem to be taking (according to the information in the Compile Output window).
In my .pro file, I have:
@win32: {
INCLUDEPATH += /boost_1_49_0
@I don't know if "win32" is right; I'm just guessing here. I've also tried "win" and "win64" with the same results.
Do I need to "declare" this "win32" (or whatever) to Qt to get it to pick this up from the .pro file? Or, is there some other step I'm missing?
No, I hadn't. Just did it, but it still wouldn't rebuild. So I did a clean, and then built. It looks like the parameters took. Thanks.
I'll ask you the same question that I've asked others, and no one seems to want to answer: where can I find a list of legal values like "win32" and "macx"? I couldn't find them in the qmake documentation page.
Can someone please answer this for me? I need to put something into a .pro file for linux-only builds, and I can't find anything about that in:
"qmake reference manual":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.7/qmake-variable-reference.html
Again, I'm looking for the list of tags or whatever they're called, like the "win32" in my first post.
OK, thank you, mlong. Am I missing something here, or is it a little strange that there isn't some list of those tags? I mean, how is a beginner (like me) supposed to know about this stuff other than pestering the forum?
It really seems to me like it should be documented somewhere...
I don't know of an exhaustive list. The issue also stems from the fact that scoping operators aren't limited to just OS types. There are a number of different conditions which can be tested against (whether you're debugging or in release mode, other variables, etc.)
The best I can offer off the top of my head is the "scopes":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qmake-advanced-usage.html section in the qmake manual.
[Edit: changed link]
Also, to quote from that same doc page:
bq. In addition to the win32, macx, and unix values used in many scope conditions, various other built-in platform and compiler-specific values can be tested with scopes. These are based on platform specifications provided in Qt's mkspecs directory.