QT creator 11.0.3 issues with default app
I create a QT quick app in creator.
I select "project which can be used in Qt design studio"
I select Desktop Qt 6.6.0 MinGW 64-bit
then it takes 2 minutes or so, while creator does some background magic, like setting all up, getting some stuff from GIT etc.
After that I press F5 to start. Again it takes 2 minutes and in the "compilation" window I see much compilation happening
And then it crashes
I mean this is an empty demo setup created by the creator. I did not do any changes. Why does it break?
@Veit said in QT creator 11.0.3 issues with default app:
As I did it again now in c:\temp and this looks better
Did the previous path contain spaces?
It's mostly a tooling and operating system bug. See https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-117413
Qt Creator is creating a CMake project in such a way that will get result in long paths.
CMake then gives this paths further to ninja / make and then to the compiler. GCC has this bug https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=107974 and even though is an easy fix to add the
entry required by Windows ... nobody has fixed it yet.Visual C++ has the same issue, see https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/compiler-cant-find-source-file-in-path/10221576
The only compiler that's fine is Clang. Ninja also requires a build from latest sources, since https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases doesn't list yet version 1.12.0 which has the one line
entry that enables long paths.I usually say just switch to Linux or macOS, they are way more friendly to developers, and issues like this are non existent.
Or ... just use
to have short paths 🙂