QT5 c++ qdesigne custom widget bad resizing
I have a completely working widget call "Wled" as plugin working on QTcreator 4.14.1 .... it show a led flashing or not depends on choose pin .... from first use 3 years ago I can see if change monitor port on same pc for example, maybe that circular led resizing whitout any changes .... if change monitor type the same .... led is set for 4mm diameter and with one monitor it is more or less 4mm and central windows appear more or less 150x150mm, if run same app in same pc but with different monitor mainwindows appear as 150x140mm (these is ok depends on monitor resolution) .... but led appear as 8mm for example .... not understand why.
Can someone kindly send me a search in the right direction? because I search but not find nothing of related .... I work on linux mint 18 and ubuntu 20.4
my plugin is based on work of a tutorial from here:
problem maybe depending of alignement and grid layout .... but not know how solve it.
Is that monitor a High-DPI monitor ?
How do you determine the size of the LED widget ?