Is there any documentation for the .pro file?
My project works fine on Linux and MacOS, and now I'm working on Windows with it. This involves some quite different stuff to the other two platforms: file paths, for example, are weird in Windows.
Since I will expect to use the same .pro file for all three platforms, how can I separate them out?
The .pro file was originally created in Linux, with lines that appear to be platform-specific (preceded with "qnx: ", "win32: ", "unix: "), and that may be enough, but are there any others? Is there one for MacOS? And why "win32"? It appears to work with 64-bit Windows, but is there a "win64"?
I've looked for documentation on the .pro file, but I can't find any. Is there one? -
@rjmx I maintain several Qt GUI projects that use
and that target multiple OS platforms. I have been (mostly) pleased with an approach based onpri
files, which are intended to be referenced from apro
like so:!include($$top_srcdir/cross_platform.pri) { error() }
You can see a "Hello World" at the links below (which is quite big to be called Hello World, but is meant to be a mostly-minimal example of how a multi-library project can be supported simultaneously on: linux, windows, macOS, iOS, android).
As you will see in my code comments, I was initially inspired by
Important parting thought:
ALWAYS always always use the "error()" part of this, or else (unbelievably?) the line will fail silently, and you'll wonder why downstream compile/link actions are failing:
# the "error()" part is critical! Indispensable! !include($$top_srcdir/cross_platform.pri) { error() }
I just noticed I should also explain this:
The "$$top_srcdir" works due to the existence of a
file at the top-level of the repository (side-by-side with the
)That was a tip I found here:
@KH-219Design Thank you for that. That's going to be useful.
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