Using a Q3DScatter with a .ui dialog
General and Desktop
I have a .ui dialog that I am trying to put a Q3DScatter on.
Currently I have a QWidget in the ui to hold the Q3DScatter and am doing this when the dialog is constructed:
// graph variable is actually declared in the class header Q3DScatter *graph = new Q3DScatter(); QWidget *container = QWidget::createWindowContainer(graph, ui->widget); container->setSizePoilicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
The Q3DScatter is shown in the dialog but it's not sized properly. The dialog is composed of a number of horizontal and vertical layouts and the QWidget itself is in a vertical layout.
I am using the scatter example to try and do this. But it does not use a .ui, it manually constructs the window. Does anyone know of an example that uses a .ui or can anyone give me any ideas how to do this?
You have to set your
widget in the appropriate layout.