Issue facing during compilation of static environment
General and Desktop
I was building QT static environment with the help of qt-everywhere-source.
I have script file, i i ran the script file i am getting the following error.
Out-File : Access to the path 'C:\QT\Static\src\qt-everywhere-src-5.13.1\qtbase\mkspecs\win32-g++' is denied. At C:\Qt\windows-buil-qt-static_x64.ps1:176 char:6 + "@ | Out-File -Append $File -Encoding Ascii + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : OpenError: (:) [Out-File], UnauthorizedAccessException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : FileOpenFailure,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.OutFileCommand
Below snippet is the script which i am using for static build.
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) 2013, Thierry Lelegard # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF # THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <# .SYNOPSIS Build a static version of Qt for Windows. .DESCRIPTION This scripts downloads Qt source code, compiles and installs a static version of Qt. It assumes that a prebuilt Qt / MinGW environment is already installed, typically in C:\Qt. This prebuilt environment uses shared libraries. It is supposed to remain the main development environment for Qt. This script adds a static version of the Qt libraries in order to allow the construction of standalone and self-sufficient executable. This script is typically run from the Windows Explorer. Requirements: - Windows PowerShell 3.0 or higher. - 7-zip. .PARAMETER QtSrcUrl URL of the Qt source file archive. By default, use the latest identified version. .PARAMETER QtStaticDir Root directory where the static versions of Qt are installed. By default, use C:\Qt\Static. .PARAMETER QtVersion The Qt version. By default, this script tries to extract the version number from the Qt source file name. .PARAMETER MingwDir Root directory of the MinGW prebuilt environment. By default, use the version which was installed by the prebuilt Qt environment. .PARAMETER NoPause Do not wait for the user to press <enter> at end of execution. By default, execute a "pause" instruction at the end of execution, which is useful when the script was run from Windows Explorer. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( # $QtSrcUrl = "", $QtStaticDir = "C:\QT\Static", $QtVersion = "", $MingwDir = "", [switch]$NoPause = $false ) # PowerShell execution policy. Set-StrictMode -Version 3 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main code #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Main { # Check that 7zip is installed. We use it to expand the downloaded archive. [void] (Get-7zip) # Get Qt source file name from URL. $QtSrcFileName = "" # If Qt version is not specified on the command line, try to extract the value. if (-not $QtVersion) { $QtVersion = $QtSrcFileName -replace "`.[^`.]*$",'' $QtVersion = $QtVersion -replace 'qt-','' $QtVersion = $QtVersion -replace 'everywhere-','' $QtVersion = $QtVersion -replace 'opensource-','' $QtVersion = $QtVersion -replace 'src-','' $QtVersion = $QtVersion -replace '-src','' } Write-Output "Building static Qt version $QtVersion" # Qt installation directory. $QtDir = "$QtStaticDir\$QtVersion" # Get MinGW root directory, if not specified on the command line. if (-not $MingwDir) { # Search all instances of gcc.exe from C:\Qt prebuilt environment. $GccList = @(Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Qt\Qt5.13.1\Tools\mingw730_64\bin\gcc.exe | ForEach-Object FullName | Sort-Object) if ($GccList.Length -eq 0) { Exit-Script "MinGW environment not found, no Qt prebuilt version?" } $MingwDir = (Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $GccList[$GccList.Length - 1])) } Write-Output "Using MinGW from $MingwDir" # Build the directory tree where the static version of Qt will be installed. Create-Directory $QtStaticDir\src Create-Directory $QtDir # Download the Qt source package if not yet done. #Download-File $QtSrcUrl $QtStaticDir\src\$QtSrcFileName # Directory of expanded packages. $QtSrcDir = "$QtStaticDir\src\$((Get-Item $QtStaticDir\src\$QtSrcFileName).BaseName)" # Expand archives if not yet done Expand-Archive $QtStaticDir\src\$QtSrcFileName $QtStaticDir\src $QtSrcDir # Patch Qt's mkspecs for static build. $File = "$QtSrcDir\qtbase\mkspecs\win32-g++\qmake.conf" if (-not (Select-String -Quiet -SimpleMatch -CaseSensitive "# [QT-STATIC-PATCH]" $File)) { Write-Output "Patching $File ..." Copy-Item $File "$File.orig" @" # [QT-STATIC-PATCH] QMAKE_LFLAGS += -static -static-libgcc QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE -= -O2 QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE += -Os -momit-leaf-frame-pointer DEFINES += QT_STATIC_BUILD "@ | Out-File -Append $File -Encoding Ascii } # Set a clean path including MinGW. $env:Path = "$MingwDir\bin;$MingwDir\opt\bin;$env:SystemRoot\system32;$env:SystemRoot" # Force English locale to avoid weird effects of tools localization. $env:LANG = "en" # Set environment variable QT_INSTALL_PREFIX. Documentation says it should be # used by configure as prefix but this does not seem to work. So, we will # also specify -prefix option in configure. $env:QT_INSTALL_PREFIX = $QtDir # Configure, compile and install Qt. Push-Location $QtSrcDir cmd /c "configure.bat -static -release -platform -prefix $QtDir -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-webp -qt-libjpeg -qt-freetype -no-opengl -skip qt3d -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtandroidextras -skip qtcharts -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtdatavis3d -skip qtdeclarative -skip qtdoc -skip qtgamepad -skip qtlocation -skip qtlottie -skip qtmacextras -skip qtmultimedia -skip qtnetworkauth -skip qtpurchasing -skip qtquick3d -skip qtquickcontrols -skip qtquickcontrols2 -skip qtquicktimeline -skip qtremoteobjects -skip qtscript -skip qtsensors -skip qtspeech -skip qtsvg -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebglplugin -skip qtwebview -skip webengine -make libs -nomake tools -nomake examples -nomake tests" mingw32-make -k -j6 mingw32-make -k install Pop-Location # Patch Qt's installed mkspecs for static build of application. $File = "C:\QT\Static\src\qt-everywhere-src-5.13.1\qtbase\mkspecs\win32-g++" @" CONFIG += static "@ | Out-File -Append $File -Encoding Ascii Exit-Script } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A function to exit this script. The Message parameter is used on error. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Exit-Script ([string]$Message = "") { $Code = 0 if ($Message -ne "") { Write-Output "ERROR: $Message" $Code = 1 } if (-not $NoPause) { pause } exit $Code } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Silently create a directory. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Create-Directory ([string]$Directory) { [void] (New-Item -Path $Directory -ItemType "directory" -Force) } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Download a file if not yet present. # Warning: If file is present but incomplete, do not download it again. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Download-File ([string]$Url, [string]$OutputFile) { $FileName = Split-Path $Url -Leaf if (-not (Test-Path $OutputFile)) { # Local file not present, start download. Write-Output "Downloading $Url ..." try { $webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $webclient.DownloadFile($Url, $OutputFile) } catch { # Display exception. $_ # Delete partial file, if any. if (Test-Path $OutputFile) { Remove-Item -Force $OutputFile } # Abort Exit-Script "Error downloading $FileName" } # Check that the file is present. if (-not (Test-Path $OutputFile)) { Exit-Script "Error downloading $FileName" } } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get path name of 7zip, abort if not found. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Get-7zip { $Exe = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" if (-not (Test-Path $Exe)) { $Exe = "C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe" } if (-not (Test-Path $Exe)) { Exit-Script "7-zip not found, install it first, see" } $Exe } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Expand an archive file if not yet done. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Expand-Archive ([string]$ZipFile, [string]$OutDir, [string]$CheckFile) { # Check presence of expected expanded file or directory. if (-not (Test-Path $CheckFile)) { Write-Output "Expanding $ZipFile ..." & (Get-7zip) x $ZipFile "-o$OutDir" | Select-String -Pattern "^Extracting " -CaseSensitive -NotMatch if (-not (Test-Path $CheckFile)) { Exit-Script "Error expanding $ZipFile, $OutDir\$CheckFile not found" } } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Execute main code. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Main
If i ran the script in administrator mode also i am facing the same problem, can anyone help me on this ?
One more issue with the script!!!!
After adding -no -opengl (or) -no -egl flag in the configuration, stilll i am getting the below error.
lude\QtCore -I.moc\release -I..\..\..\..\mkspecs\win32-g++ -o .obj\release\qwindowsintegration.o ..\windows\qwindowsintegration.cpp In file included from ..\windows\qwindowsintegration.cpp:85:0: ..\windows\qwindowseglcontext.h:45:10: fatal error: EGL/egl.h: No such file or directory #include <EGL/egl.h> ^~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated.
@programmer_123 said in Issue facing during compilation of static environment:
After adding -no -opengl (or) -no -egl flag in the configuration
Did you do that from a clean state (without previous configure/build artefacts)?