Overriding QDir::homePath()
Other programmers and I wish to bypass QDir::homePath() in order to portabilize programs. The big question is what's the default of QDir::homePath()? Hint: it's not %homepath% - see "the documentation":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qdir.html#homePath
Also see these links:
http://portableapps.com/node/19627 -
From doc :
bq. Under Windows this function will return the directory of the current user's profile. Typically, this is:
C:/Documents and Settings/Usernamebq. Under non-Windows operating systems the HOME environment variable is used if it exists, otherwise the path returned by the rootPath().
On Windows, the user directory is searched in the following order, the first method that returns a valid[1] path is used:
- The value returned by GetUserProfileDirectoryW Windows API call
- The value of USERPROFILE environment variable
- The value of HOMEDRIVE + HOMEPATH environment variables
- The value of HOME environment variable
- The value of SystemDrive environment variable (no check for existence)
- "C:/" (hard coded as last resort, no check for existence)
fn1. valid means the method returns a value and the directory denoted by that value does exist
Just to let me get this right: you want to modify the behaviour of an existing binary, you are not a developer who wants to modify its own sourcecode or application.
Well, I guess you are left with four options then, in the order of work and stress involved
- recompile the binary not using QDir::homePath() or
- file a bug report or a merge request which modifies the behaviour of QDir::homePath() in a way that <code>%USERPROFILE%</code> takes precedence over GetUserProfileDirectoryW or
- distribute the binary with a patched set of the Qt libraries which modify the behaviour of QDir::homePath() or
- hook GetUserProfileDirectoryW directly to modify its behaviour.
I'm not quite sure as of right now but I tend to say that <code>%USERPROFILE%</code> and <code>%HOME%</code> should take precedence over GetUserProfileDirectoryW just to cover cases like yours (where you want to temporarily redirect the home directory) and to get a more consistent cross-platform behaviour.
The bugsystem is currently at https://bugreports.qt-project.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa
Regarding the text in your bugreport:
bq. Various standalone portable softwares could have been forced to become portable, if only they hadn't stored their data in a path that involves QDir::homePath().
A sane Qt application doesn't use homePath() for that, but calls QDesktopServices::storageLocation() with, for example, QDesktopServices::DataLocation as argument. These methods do not use homePath() under the hood (or only as a last resort), but call SHGetFolderPath() on Windows, which is native Windows API again.
The OP links to at least 2 programs that do this. Well, if their authors knew what they were doing, they would have accepted an "/ini=" command line parameter in the first place.
But what advantage does SHGetFolderPath() offer? Can it easily be bypassed?
bq. Deprecated
- SHGetFolderPath function, Microsoft MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb762181(v=vs.85).aspx
[quote author="lwcorp" date="1337853314"]Please answer:
bq. But what advantage does SHGetFolderPath() offer? Can it easily be bypassed?[/quote]
Advantage: it is official API, although deprecated. But as Andre already mentioned, as long as Qt is running on XP, one will have to use it, as the replacement isn't there.
Bypassing: I don't know, as I never had a need to do this.