SQLCipher as replacement for QSQLITE
Hi, I'm trying to following this tutorial to embed SQLCipher to QSQLITE plugin, here are what I've done:
I download Qt 6.2.2 Source and SQLCipher source, and then I copy sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h and go to qtbase/src/3rdparty/sqlite/ replace those 2 matching files.
Then I go to qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers\sqlite and edit the CMakeLists.txt file in the field DEFINES, I add 2 following defines as stated in the SQLCipher static build step: SQLITE_HAS_CODEC and SQLITE_TEMP_STORE=2, and I run configure then build as normal.
So, here are my questions, as I do above, does it actually build QSQLITE with SQLCipher supported?
If not, so what I can do to embed SQLCipher into Qt6 as a static plugin (mine Qt6 built with -static as well), as I read on the SQLCipher static build step, we must include OpenSSL include and library folder?
You might want to check the qsqlcipher-qt5 project (they have Qt 6 branches).
I've fixed it to work with Qt6 especially 6.8.2