Creating an aplication N900
Hello I just received a N900 and have been playing with it and wanted to learn how to make application for it so my first project I tough I could make a simple program that can find the root of an equation using the Bisection method.
I Should contain a friendly user interface,
Consisting of a text box where the user enter the equation
Two more where the user enter two points
an additional one where the the user indicate the number of repetition to do.The method is base in replacing the 'x' in the equation with the first point given and obtaining the result, them repeat with the secound point and finally It necessary to find a third point and obtain a result.
Initial point
second point
Third pointSolve for
F(c)=2.5-2=.5Then compare sign of solution
F(a) is negative
F(b) is positive
If there are different that means that theirs at least one solution in between them
and if any of them is equal to zero them that is the solution (F(x)=0).Then it necessary to obtain f( c) sign.(positive)
comparing to F(a) and F(b) it necessary to determine which has the same kind of sign and replace there value with cExample
F(b) and F( C) are both positive then b is replace with c
b=cand repeat until F(x)=0 or the amount of repetitions said by the user.
And then give the user that is the answer.I think it a good challenge, has anyone have some advise on ho to tackle the problem?
I will appreciated any help -
Nokia N900 is with Maemo OS. You can learn more information about app development for this device at "Nokia Developer": and "":
However, I don't think this is necessarily a N900-specific problem.
Are you new to Qt also? New to C++? If so, it would probably be easier to work through creating the "business logic" of your app in a desktop environment, so that you can focus on solving the problem at hand. Then, after you have the logic down, you could work on the specifics of porting to the mobile device. Just less of a learning curve that way and it wouldn't necessarily clutter up the most important parts.